Forgive me if I find your opinion of Bluessol absolution dubious.
Especially with the tripe you consume.
Best I can give you is Lohmeier who was essentially fired for political beliefs but as far as I can tell, his criticisms weren’t of some mass firing of conservatives but rather the direction the military was going. And while these alone are not political criticisms, they were placed in such a context that it can’t be ignored or overlooked even by the most independent moderate looking from the outside in, such as myself.
None of the articles you linked deal with conservatives being “purged” from the military.
What you do have is white people complaining about diversity training with no evidence support that it includes such rhetoric as most of the military’s diversity training is very different from radical community college crt nonsense.
You also linked to a dumbass Democrat fuming about how many conservatives are in the military, which apparently it escaped him that it’s been like that since the Civil War; and that voting for a potential dictator, even he admits, is not alone enough to vet potential terrorists within our military.
Lastly you complained about a Supreme Court Justice being eviscerated by the media but still got the job as some kind of affront to white males everywhere, forgetting the very same tactics were tried, and also failed, with Clarence Thomas, a black man, but a conservative no less. Democrats forgetting the true egregiousness of the act only radicalized Thomas and they’ll be lucky if it doesn’t do so with Kavanaugh. Not to mention that 3 of the current white male judges never had to contend with such things. Which still doesn’t verify or validate Bluessol’s claim despite your claim of him “always being right”
But otherwise? Nice talking points!
Shame they contribute nothing to the conversation but I’m glad you got that out of your system.
One man’s dubious firing, his potentially valid criticisms - which you covered, dumb politicians, nor the media having a field day with a single court judge lead to mass firing of conservatives in our military.