Are those tears? Big boy tears? Well don't you worry fella, no Tuckers we're harmed during the making of this meme. Can't say the same for you, apparently.Thanks for the comment. Looking forward to seeing more, wait, the other thing... I look forward to ignoring them. Bye bye now.
de rigueur behavior for these guys. They make ridiculous claims about people who actually are correct 99.99% of the time(and when they DO get something wrong, they admit it) just to provoke a comment like yours. Then, every single one of them, start with the passive-aggressive “are those tears? made you cry? Thanks for playing”
The best part is that the folks who invented terms like Snowflake and triggered are currently triggered snowflakes. Being politically Independent has it's perks. Watching the D and R folks cry whenever you torch their steamiest crush from Fox or CNN can be mildly amusing. Nothing that happens on here actually factors into any stable persons life. I'll keep putting things down and weak folks will find a way to trip on it... Stay feisty fellas. Or, get a bigger sense of purpose? Eh... Tschuss!
Stormy his porn star hook up, ya know, while he was married and his wife just gave birth to, so far, the only trump NOT under investigation, described it as small, mario cart with yeti pubes-
Apparently Tucker has broke the brain of the poster. Imagine that. I'm sure before him it was Rush, O'Reilly, Prager, etc., etc. Always the same with the tolerant Libs.