I don't hate the Republican Party either. I do hate the Democrat Party, not the voters, just the party leadership and the politicians. And it more that I just hate what they are doing.
I hate the opinion on abortion that people think they have the right to kill a human life. It doesn't matter if the baby is in the womb or out, it is still human life. The baby is not the woman's body, he or she has their own body. It was never "my body my choice" because the baby is not her body.
I also hate what the leftist activist justices did in Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court has absolutely no right to make law. They are an unelected body, and our founding fathers were very clear that the only ones who can make law have to been voted for by their constituants and no an unelected body. Roe v Wade was an unconstitutional ruling that should have never happened.