I pay *more* than enough in taxes, so save your pathetic little euphemism for those who don't, but turn around and say they want others to pay their "fair share" in taxes. These are the same scammers who take every legal deduction they can. As usual with libtards, they are guilty of the exact same thing they accuse others of doing.
Just in case your unclear about it PL, I just described the same pathetic scammers who are now having debt they voluntarily accepted and signed legal documents saying they would pay back, forced onto hard working people who in no way shape or form agreed to take on the debt of those freeloaders.
Maybe in your ideal socialist world, that type of loan default and forced debt transfer is okay, but here in the real world where people have the honor and decency to pay their own debts (and don't suck at the govt teat like the parasites that libtards are) it is not.