Telling someone that you only believe what you believe because you're worried about being wrong just proves how insincere your belief is. I see through it. Your god would see through it too.
How about this; pray for me to stop thinking of you as and calling you a child, see if that works.
I understand that as a wannabe Christian, you're worried about what your community does to children and you don't want that to happen to you. I hope you find the strength to get yourself out of that unsafe situation.
Well, if you think atheists hate god then your grasp on atheism is just as tenuous as your grasp on christianity. Maybe put down the rape-and-genocide filled fairy tales from the bronze age and pick up some Dawkins?
Again child, please stop making *all* Christians look bad. Some are decent people who have morals and can actually defend them without the use of Google.
Spend as much time as you need trying to convince yourself that you're somehow a Christian even though random atheists you meet on the internet know more about christianity than you do.
If can somehow call yourself a Christian than I must be the pope.