I may fly to the moon one of these days, too, but not too likely. The left throws out fiction hoping some of it will stick and thereby influence minds. OctoDru, please think and I mean, critically think. Embrace family values & love all people unless they prove they are un-loveable. I grew up in an America very different from what we see now. We were less dependent, more self sufficient and not whiners, PC robots, or Socialists/Marxists/Communists. We were taught in school that these were bad things and that they never have worked. That is true to this day yet our schools and government have been hijacked and radicalized by leftist liberals.
1. I applaud you for delving into politics as I had no interest in it at your age. It took my brilliant husband's influence to educate me.
2. It is not your fault that you have been exposed to liberalism as it has surrounded every facet of your life...in school, ads, and the biased media. If you open your mind to critically think, you will not embrace the lies and fallacies that have blinded many people today.
3. I have met a very smart young man on here, coolxander21, who is wise beyond his years. I believe you would gain a lot if you follow him and listen to his ideas as he is young like you. He is interested in politics and has his head on straight. I predict he will become quite a success in life in part due to his parents yanking him out of public school.
4. Surround yourself with smart people who use common sense and reason rather than emotion to solve problems. Good luck.