True, but it would've helped more if Obama, the King of Planet Earth, grew a nutsack befitting his position.
This ridiculous Democrat habit of acquiescing because wimpiness is so awesomating is responsible for not just went down with Mitch, but for getting him to even dare to think of coming up with his 'McConnell Rule' in the first place.
Acquiescing is why that idiot Biden stepped aside for Hillary in 2016 so Trump can win. It's why W became president. It's why poow widdle Billy Bob got his widdle arm twisted into signing everything the GOP made him like he was their bitch in a - wait for it - blue dress, mouth agape. It's why Bernie got screwed twice, the second time so that idiot Biden can now get elected because who cares about Trump trumping him in 2024, right? It's why Pelosi intitlially refused to move on impeaching Trump the 1st time, and why the rest of the party acquiesced to that. It's why the Jan 6th Commission almost didn't happen, because, in Pelosi's words, "we don't want to set a precedent." Precedent for what, in case the Dems try to stage a coup too one day?
This acquiescing is why Trump refused to show up for his impeachements, and why Trump, Bannon, and others ignored subpoenas. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, that was a welcome thing becuase it should have gotten their asses thrown straight to jail like it would have a regular person, or shot if you were a stomped on minority. But nnnnnnnnnnnnnno-oooooooooooooooo Trumpie might Twitter them! EVEN AFTER HE LOST HIS ACCOUNT!
Acquiescing is the reason for this lethargic anemic Jan 6th Committee nonsense airing at hours benefitting the View and Rachael Ray crowd and why they're doing that instead of putting these fhuckers on trial. And acquiescing is why Trump will get re-elected in 2024.
America is over because these fakers claim being wimps might pay great dividends one day that is still not yet today.