and Obama
and Biden
and Hillary
and Pelosi
and the Democratic Party
and their constituency
all who where too busy sitting on their tired flabby asses repeating over and over with their eyes barely open ,
"Don't worry,
that's ok,
we'll go along with whatever the GOP says,
this way they might scratch our backs in gratitude one day,,,"
Bunch of wusses, even when they were in charge of everything they gave it all away in the name of looking polite. Isn't that adorable?
And for those who think this is a wake up call, remember 2017 when the women graoups were going to have a women's march every 100 days but stopped after just 2?
Come November, whomever is still miffed will take it out on the Democrats for being a bunch of butt licking wimps who gave it all away and they'll vote Republicans and the economy as a wreck will help and come 2024 they'll rectify the mistake of making that old moronic senile windbag Biden president because he was the best they can come up with by re-electing Trump.
The United States of America ended in 2016. Time to wake up to that.