I am not sure what planet you were on when the world stopped, unwanted/unneeded medical procedures were forced on the world, free speech punished, violent protests encouraged, peaceful protests stopped (one yesterday, just because they were going to protest a pride parade) protests in front of supreme court justices' homes, those are ok even though they are illegal. Parents not informed of a child being told they are the wrong gender by groomers, also ok. Child getting an abortion without parental consent, ok. Buy needed chemicals for agriculture and you have to jump through hoops and show an ID even though you do this every year, but no ID needed to vote. Some criminals are punished, and others told by authorities to make their voices heard. Show proof of a crime and it may or may not ever lead to charges, especially if it is too close to an election and involves a protected class (like illegals, transgenders etc). Since this is about firearms here is one more. Some clown in a suit, with taxpayer paid security, minutes away from armed professionals wants a family more than 30 minutes away from any form of help to be unarmed while they surround their communities with unvetted illegals, many with a history of violent crimes.
I could do this all day, but I suspect you are just another leftist that will pretend none of these things happened, demand proof they will never accept and search diligently for a single sentence to focus on in an attempt to dismiss the meme and this thread.
I only answered for my regular visitors, as you already pointed out-your opinion doesn't matter.