Great response. I expected nothing less. I agree on all points, especially, but not limited to the fact that no matter what we “think” nothing changes.
Everything is as it is. Perceptually, I can experience things differently just based on a Perceptually, I can experience things differently, just based on a different point of you, but nothing has actually changed other than my perception of it. Everything is what it appears AS, although nothing is what it appears to BE.
Any deep meditation, or for a faster route, ingestion of psychedelics can point that out. 😁
Therapeutic use of psychedelics has changed me from a 40 year suicidal nightmare to somebody who can get along with himself more often than not.
A thing can only ever be at self otherwise we’re talking about something else. Therefore, change is perceptual not actual.
Who knows dear brother.
This is because that is, I am because you, we all are because it is.
IS-ness is the business Mooji Baba says.
Oh how I love my non dual teachers.
Nisagardatta, Papaji, Ramana Maharishi, Mooji, Adyashanti and earlier, the Christ, Buddha, Krishna etc.
om shanti, shanti, shanti.
Tat Tvam Asi
My spiritual life and understanding of it, or lack there of as the case may be, helps me get along in this world.
Before my current 9 years of continuous sobriety was alcohol, drugs and other self injurious behaviors.
Glad that’s over. Lol