When lactating, a flat chested woman can produce enough milk to feed TWO babies (don't tell the formula feeders, we don't want to collapse that industry and that amazingly silly fake crisis).
The excess fat in breasts, as well as buttocks and thighs, etc, that make curvier women more attractive just so happen to be excess fat in breasts, as well as buttocks and thighs that make curvier women more attractive. There ain't much of a mind in DDs with a butt to match. May sound a tad crass, but this isn't waxing philosphic at the Louvre going on here.
Sure, we all have our limits up or down, but bottom line is, women tend to look one way, and men tend to look at them. In the long run, personality counts the most (look at how many divorces occur after shallow idiots finally got to know each other), but first glance, what catches the eye is what catches the eye, and there's a reason human females don't look like men or chimpanzees.
As for that old crusty fella, he disparaged her looks because he's obviously so dang hot, and then he quite Twitter because his big man-sized nuts shriveled back to their usual proportions and that was the end of his swinging them for the ladiez in the reading audience gig. 'Manly' man wimps are so cute.