Let’s take a look at these examples. Going from left to right..
1. I have no idea what is happening here. Skiing with a kufiya. Not sure which is supposedly the appropriation. An Arab man skiiing or a man using Arab garb to keep his face warm while skiing. Not even sure that is actual ski gear.
So, I agree. No problem here given the context.
2. Is a white? man wearing a kimono in a Japanese marriage. Given the woman is probably Japanese, that would not be classified as cultural appropriation.
3. Black man in a yamaka or kippah hat. Since black people can convert or be inducted into Judaism, that’s again probably not cultural appropriation. In fact, during a Bat or Bar Mitzvah, such items are provided to guests as a sign of respect.
So not cultural appropriation.
4. White man in a sombrero. This could be considered cultural appropriation, but honestly as long as he is wearing it during a Mexican holiday and not Halloween, it will probably not be frowned upon. But I will admit, liberals would definitely see this as highly suspect.
5. White people have curly hair too. Not cultural appropriation.
6. There is nothing culturally inappropriate for dying your hair.
Where the appropriation has been accused is white people adopting culturally identified hair styles of black people. I agree there is nothing wrong with this and the cultural inappropriate police need to back off. As 6. Shows, there is nothing wrong with black people wanting to dye their hair blonde.
I think the main criticism extends tho from again using these hairs as costumes or ethnic exoticism and while it would definitely be described as cringe if the wearer only uses it for a costume, it’s not that big of deal.
7. Nothing wrong with cooking other culture foods. Just don’t confuse texmex with real Mexican food. Nothing wrong with texmex but don’t say they’re the same.
8. Many restaurants offer chop sticks to their guests. Yes, you can use them.
I somehow doubt there is any real cultural appropriation going on in any of the pictures. While 4 and 5 (and reflexively 6) might be considered cultural appropriation by some, it’s not.
Cultural appropriation is simply donning a culturally significant item as a costume with either the intention to mock or ignorantly copy for fun or attention, rather than actually being respectful of the culture. Intent goes a long way to change whether or not something is or isn’t culture appropriation.