Up-voted. There's a meme I have been thinking about regarding how recently the mainstream media hosted a conference in Chicago with Barack Obama in attendance aimed at countering disinformation by GOPers ONLY since political agenda WOKE SJW Politically Correct Cultural Marxism inclined radical leftists never lie about anything . . .
. . . but . . . meh . . . today both CNN and the New York Times essentially admitted that up 'til now they have been doing strictly leftist advocacy instead of actual politically neutral and unbiased 'journalism' and that they are getting their financial clocks cleaned as a result -- sort of how GROOMER inclined Disney has recently lost about 80 billion dollars as a result of its radical leftist WOKE advocacy.
The upshot is that both The New York Times and CNN swore today that they are 'returning' to at least an outward semblance of conducting real journalism as opposed to radical leftist WOKE advocacy . . . in order to stay . . . in . . . business. We shall see.
Oh yes . . . leftist memers think that that by disabling comments they can actually win arguments. Sort of a reflection of how currently Twitter and Facebook and CNN operates.
It does not matter if it is Putin, Xi, CNN, MSNBC , etc, the communists all censor views that oppose their narrative. Censorship is tyrannical. Thankfully we still have a 1st amendment, sort of.
And FOX News in on a slippery slope. One of the first signs is having a token 'leftist/lib/dem' on panel shows like The Five. WHY DO THAT? If conservatives wanted to hear the opinion from them there are plenty of other stations to pick from. Then there are the libertarians like Kat, Greg, and Kennedy. I know I'm being blatantly biased but I never did have the best online history with libertarians.