Here's another shot, taken about the same time as the photo in your second panel. Three things come to mind, looking at this whole sad episode:
1. Kamala looks like a total "pleasure unit" during the whole ordeal. Think about that when that imbecile becomes president.
2. Obama was obviously trying to shrug the potato's hand from his shoulder for what seems to be an extended time. Of course, Obama's a total narcissist. But think about Obama knowing the senile creep is in distress, and needs Obama's help. Yet Obama cares less than if he had a piece of toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Which leads to point three:
3. Why does it seem that Obama's trip to the White House, after so many years, but at a critical time leading up to the democrats' bloodbath on November 8, isn't coincidental? What if Obama was chosen to tell the senile creep his time as president is up? Who else could possibly be chosen to break the news to Biden? So I wouldn't be surprised if the true purpose of Obama's trip is revealed in coming weeks.