When you make a meme like this you must first think about any errors you might be making. Ya know, like how this is about the state of Florida's government, which by definition is a small government because it is just Florida. DeSantis did not take his bill to Congress for the entire country. And if Florida's government is too big for you, then tell DeSantis you want to privatize education. "Privatize", now that is a word that makes the left's heads explode.
Also you might want to pay a little attention to what the bill actually says. This bill applies only to kindergarten to 3rd grade. AND most importantly this is a bill is about the parents of these children. Leftists parents can sexualize their toddlers all they want at home. You can turn your babies into raging perverts all the live long day. But the schools job is to provide an education into things that will help the child once they graduate. Teaching about homosexuality in school does not fall under the category of helping a child once they graduate. There are no job requirements that reads, "must have an intimate knowledge of homosexuality". However, there are lots of jobs that read, "Must have communication skills, or must have the ability to read and write at a college level".
School is NOT about teaching kids irrelevant information.
And, like I said, the bill is ONLY kindergarten to 3rd grade. From 4th grade on they can permanently scar children all they want. They can brainwash them into good little socialists all ready and willing to forfeit every right and freedom they have ever had to the state.