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super small government, y'all. Super. Small. Government.

super small government, y'all. Super. Small. Government. | THE GOP IS ALL ABOUT SMALL GOVERNMENT AND GETTING OUT OF THE WAY; ALSO, THE GOP WON'T LET YOU SAY THE WORD GAY. BECAUSE THAT'S SMALL GOVERNMENT. USING THE GOVERNMENT TO FORCE PEOPLE TO NOT SAY THE WORD GAY | image tagged in florida governor ron desantis,gop hypocrite | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,714 views 6 upvotes Made by whistlelock 2 years ago in politics
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis memeCaption this Meme
3 ups, 2y,
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GOP are all about small government until they are the government.
3 ups, 2y,
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How exactly does a bill that affects policy in public schools increasing the size and scope of the government of the State of Florida?

If DeSantis signed legislation that said, we will teach nothing but homosexuality to kindergarten through 3rd grade to students, does that make the size of government decrease? Oh and by the way, this bill protects children from Kindergarten to 3rd grade from being over sexualized. After 3rd grade they are sitting ducks for the lefts mental sex abuse. You can have the government schools scar your children with any type of deviant sexual behavior that you see as important for their education.

But why wait. You can screw their minds up from infancy until they are at least 18 all by yourselves at home. You don't need schools to do that. Go nuts teaching your 2 year old about the benefits of anal intercourse, golden showers and feces eating.

THINK for a change. Crank up those dormant grey cells and use them.
2 ups, 2y,
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This is literally micromanagement by a statewide entity of issues that should be addressed locally by parents, teachers, and school boards. If you don't like what they're teaching in the school your children are at, there are other options.
1 up, 2y,
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Or it could be that DeSantis is responding to what the majority of parents want. Do you think that most parents want to expose their children to any type of sexuality between the ages of Kindergarten and 3rd grade?

Why is it that schools need to teach ANYTHING AT ALL about sexuality to kids? Are you familiar with the Bible Belt? Florida is in the Bible Belt. Christianity is strong in the South. Parents in the South do not want the state teaching about what they think is perverse. It does not matter what you think because this is a local Florida state issue. You may want the schools to teach all sorts of stuff to kids that is a an utter waste of taxpayer dollars because it does not prepare students for college or careers. It is just leftist social engineering. In other words leftist religious indoctrination.

Parents have the ultimate choice of what is and what is not taught to their children. Not Democrats, not socialists, not Nazis, not fascists, not communists and not Marxists. Children do NOT belong to the state.

The very reason WHY home schooling started in the first place is because parents did not like what the state thought was important for children to learn.

The left can lampoon and ridicule all they want but it has never ever been their right or responsibility to tell parents to step aside. It does not matter that you might think that this wrong. It is not your right to force your values down other people throats. Nor is it the state of Florida, so DeSantis passed a bill that said we cannot force leftist theology down students throats and you guys get your panties in a bind.

And need I remind you that this bill ONLY applies to Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Do you not understand that?
0 ups, 2y
"Parents have the ultimate choice of what is and what is not taught to their children. Not Democrats, not socialists, not Nazis, not fascists, not communists and not Marxists. Children do NOT belong to the state."

Yet this very "Parental Rights in Education Bill" takes the rights and responsibilities of parents and teachers and places them in the hands of the State. You're perfectly OK with a gargantuan juggernaut of a government, as long as it's your side in control.
1 up, 2y,
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No, who in the government is going to enforce it? Shall he make another STATE FORCE, controlled by him, to MAN THE SCHOOLS? WHY not, he made a force to watch over voting.

Sorry charlie, BIGGER GOVERNMENT!!
0 ups, 2y,
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The parents are going to enforce it. If little Johnny comes home from school talking about drag queens the parents are going to hit the ceiling and make the school comply with the law.

The only party who enforces things by an increase police presence is the Democrat Party. Back under Democrat president, Woodrow Wilson, the Dems used the KKK as their law enforcement. True story. You should read about it.
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I live in Florida, i have read it. I think the marketing by the democrats were off base, reading the actual bill.

That is not the point. The point is, LIKE Critical Race Theory, NO ONE IS TEACHING THIS SHIT!

Bigger government, that is the point!

Lets have a governor (Desantis) make a law, that FORBIDS a community to pass its own rules to protect itself! Please explain how that is not State OVERREACH.
0 ups, 2y,
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If no one is teaching this then what are you so upset about. Then this bill would be about protecting children in the next few years. Because if there is one thing you can always count on from the left, and that they blather about stuff forever before they actually do it and they always do it. It's just a matter of time, if what you are saying is true, which I highly doubt because CRT is most definitely being taught in many schools across America. Mostly in blue states.

This bill isn't about DeSantis making law (which he didn't do, the state legislature did that) that would forbid anyone from protecting themselves.

Stop thinking so fatalistic about this bill. If parents want to teach their 5 to 8 year olds about homosexuality then they are at their right and liberty to do so. Why is that such a hard concept for the left to comprehend? This bill just stop teachers from talking about it. So what? Why is it so dang important for teachers to circumvent the will of many parents?? What is your major malfunction?
0 ups, 2y,
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You dont get it do you? If it is a law, who is to enforce it? Hence BIGGER GOVERNMENT!

FULL DISCLOSURE. I didn't read your whole reply because you have forgot what the topic is, BIGGER GOVERNMENT! You have descended into a rant about gay 3rd graders.
0 ups, 2y,
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Clearly you didn't read any of it because I never ranted about gay 3rd graders. Go back and read what I said before you make and even bigger fool of yourself.
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Try to stay on topic.
0 ups, 2y
I never left the topic.
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" If parents want to teach their 5 to 8 year olds about homosexuality "

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How is this about me ranting about gay 3rd graders? Read my quote that you posted again. No one is stopping parents from teaching their own kids about whatever they want their kids to know.

Is that a problem for you?
0 ups, 2y
Why would it be? Of courae not.

Live and LET LIVE!
0 ups, 2y
"Why would it be? Of courae not.
Live and LET LIVE!"

Is it a problem for you if the governor of a state signs into legislation law that prohibits teachers from discussing sexual issues, including homosexual issues, to Kindergartners up to 3rd graders?

Is it a problem if the state legislature and governor respond to the majority will of their constituents?
4 ups, 2y,
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When you make a meme like this you must first think about any errors you might be making. Ya know, like how this is about the state of Florida's government, which by definition is a small government because it is just Florida. DeSantis did not take his bill to Congress for the entire country. And if Florida's government is too big for you, then tell DeSantis you want to privatize education. "Privatize", now that is a word that makes the left's heads explode.

Also you might want to pay a little attention to what the bill actually says. This bill applies only to kindergarten to 3rd grade. AND most importantly this is a bill is about the parents of these children. Leftists parents can sexualize their toddlers all they want at home. You can turn your babies into raging perverts all the live long day. But the schools job is to provide an education into things that will help the child once they graduate. Teaching about homosexuality in school does not fall under the category of helping a child once they graduate. There are no job requirements that reads, "must have an intimate knowledge of homosexuality". However, there are lots of jobs that read, "Must have communication skills, or must have the ability to read and write at a college level".

School is NOT about teaching kids irrelevant information.

And, like I said, the bill is ONLY kindergarten to 3rd grade. From 4th grade on they can permanently scar children all they want. They can brainwash them into good little socialists all ready and willing to forfeit every right and freedom they have ever had to the state.
2 ups, 2y,
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1) being gay isn't a perversion. It's just being a human. Your homophobia is your problem.

2) knowing about gay people isn't going to "turn babies into perverts." It's just going to help them understand what's happening in the world around them. it's not irrelevant.

3) banning the word from the schools is not going to keep that information from them. It's ridiculous to think that would actually work. It's like banning abortions will stop abortions.
0 ups, 2y
1) your opinion of homosexuality may or may not be the opinion of the parents in Florida. It is not your right to impose your opinion on those children and circumvent the will of the parents in Florida. Do you understand that? You can believe you are correct with all the passion in the world but it is not your right to impose your beliefs on someone else's child.

2) I never said it would. However when you start telling Kindergartners about sex, you're going to scar them. It's a form of child molestation. Even if it heterosexual sex.

3) We're talking about Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Most those kids won't be talking about it, but that's not the issue. You can't control what kids say but they don't have to hear it from their teachers.

The one thing the left just cannot get through their pointy, self-righteous heads is that this country was founded on freedom and all political power resides in the hands of the individual. The individual chooses how they will live their lives. They chose how to raise their children.

The government and do-gooder leftists do not have the right or authority to interfere with how a person chooses to live their life or raise their children. You have the right to totally screw up your own kids but not someone else's. This isn't about gay rights, this is about parental rights. Ya know the rights the left has been trampling on for decades. Go "make a difference" with your own children.
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Is that all you got out of what I said? Is it because you could not respond to the rest of it but you had to say something?
2 ups, 2y
Oh, no. I have a life to attend to so I don't type out giant walls of text.

But let's extend your idea of "small government means small physical area." By that "logic" the local school board is better able to handle what children should be taught than the State of Florida.

It physically occupies a smaller area than the state of Florida.
1 up, 2y
1 up, 2y
Small government. Haha not in FLORIDA BABY. BIG BROTHER!
3 ups, 2y,
1 reply
The OP's been here SEVEN years, newb, before there was even a Politics stream, let alone offshoots. If you got a problem with where he posts, then that's your problem.
4 ups, 2y,
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So by posting here is me needing a safe space?
3 ups, 2y,
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Oh, you are threatened by me being here. Gotcha.
1 up, 2y,
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Did you know that saying you support American oil on American soil constitutes harassment in your safe zone?
2 ups, 2y,
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It was actually your behavior and the methods you choose to communicate and not supporting American oil on American soil.

If you'd been respectful, you'd still be able to post there.
1 up, 2y
BS... and you know it... that meme was totally respectful... I was politically profiled... LIAR
0 ups, 2y,
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LOL... you're the one with the "safe space"
3 ups, 2y,
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But you're the one feeling threatened.
0 ups, 2y,
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LOL... you're the one censoring a safe space...

and the fact that we can't have this conversation on that stream because I've been banned from commenting there proves it...
3 ups, 2y,
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That's you suffering the consequences of your actions.

Like so many conservatives, you don't want free speech. You want Consequence Free Speech.

You'd still be able to post there if you'd been civil. But you woke up and chose being a jackass. That's on you.

Don't get mad at us for enforcing IMGFLIPS OWN TERMS OF SERVICE:
0 ups, 2y
Yup... you tell everyone where there is harassment in that meme...
1 up, 2y,
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Your need this stream to be your safe space?
Aww, how sad for you.

Perhaps you should invest in tin foil wrapped helmet and a bucket of Adderall?
0 ups, 2y,
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LOL... you're the one with the "safe space"... even you are allowed to post here...
1 up, 2y,
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What does that even mean? Your Prezi Putin didn't block the site?
How's Real_Poli doin for ya, btw? Cottony enough for your seat?

Been here since 2016, newb (that's 6 yrs), before Poli was even a stream. If you have a problem with that I regret I have to inform you that my ability to give a rat's ass is, well,, stuck on a rat somewhere that ain't in my vicinity nor will be soon anytime ever so you might have to learn to deal with my delay on not giving it.

Perhaps retreating to Real_Politics might ease your discomfort?

0 ups, 2y,
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LOL... go back to posting your porn...
1 up, 2y,
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LOL... you need a safe space from that too?

0 ups, 2y,
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Yes... I can see from the porn pics you have mommy issues...
1 up, 2y,
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Hey, if your mommy and your issues with her are what you see when you see them pics, then that's your Freudian complex.
0 ups, 2y
you're the one with the pics... LMAO
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1 up, 2y,
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1 up, 2y
I have a feeling this will bother your stomach even more than mines!

BDS 24/7!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis memeCaption this Meme
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