That quote is being flaunted around as the easily digestible, oversimplified conclusion of the "John Hopkins University study", but they don't mention a single name, ever, almost as if the university itself was typing it using whatever buildings use to interact with the small, hard plastic buttons that give keyboards the first half of their name.
First of all, it's a non peer reviewed study with a focus on economics, which authors don't know anything about any of the scientific fields involved in medical research, they just selectively quote papers by other people, without them acknowledging their veracity (which is another way of saying that it's not reviewed by the peers they're cherry pickingly quoting).
You know why nobody, not even Tucker Carlson nor Bill Maher, had the decency to mention the names of the people (SHIAMALAN TWIST, It was people, not the University itself, buildings don't write articles ya silly goose!!!, they don't write with pencils either, they don't write at all!!!) that wrote that "John Hopkins study" being flaunted about so much.
Those, definitely guys, not buildings, are the crooked non Christmas-y villains of our messed up, out of season carol, or the Three Unwise Men, if you will.
The first is PhD Steve H. Hanke, a professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, and a Senior Fellow at the, dramatic pause, libertarian think tank, Cato, mofokin' Institute.
They also forgot to mention that the other two authors of the "John Hopkins University study", are Jonas Herby, described in the paper as a special advisor at the Center for Political Studies in Copenhagen (oops, not John Hopkins, and not even America, in fact, a European country that took lockdowns seriously and is recovering better than the US) in Denmark, and PhD Lars Jonung, who is a professor emeritus in economics at Lund University, Sweden (OOOOPS, the country that tried the natural immunity thing and, fortunately, realized sooner than later how much they were about to f**k it up).
So, a John Hopkins University study, that was not peer reviewed by the John Hopkins University's medical professionals they're selectively quoting, authored by only 1 out of 3 actual guys from John Hopkins University, and they're not even a doctor or a researcher, they're an economist, whom also works for the Cato Institute, known for doing this kind of crap.
Meme Rekt and Fakcheckt.