Covid is worse. I was a Covid hoaxer. I didn’t believe it was real. But then 3 people I know died from it and lots of people I know knew people that died from it. I also know another 8 or so people that were in the ICU with it and know people that know other people that were in the ICU with it. I also know of two people that I would see in the elevator at work who were reported in the news as dead from it. I don’t know anyone that ever died from the flu. The flu is different. The only people that die from the flu are already seriously Ill. Almost all of them are already in the hospital with something else, AIDS, cancer, kidney and liver failure, heart attacks and pulmonary embolisms. Healthy people do not normally get the flu and wind up in the ICU. I also know one guy who did two three month hospital stays from it — he is now in rehab for the last 7 months trying to regain the ability to walk. No one gets that type of complications from the flu. I see that Covid only killed about 375,000 in 2020. That’s still 10x as many as the flu. But if it was 777,000 since 2020 that is not good, because more people actually died from it in 2021. It is far from over.