He does not fit the racist narrative of Liberals/Politics Poo Stream!!! He is a victim, he has a over 50 page rap sheet and had a bond of 1000 dollars for trying to run someone over before. But the libs want the prisons emptied because of victims like him! How pathetic are liberals? This pathetic!! They are unable to grasp reality or facts! They are based on feelings!!
Fact and they will ban free speech if they do not agree with it! A sad and pathetic group of morons to be sure!! Politics POO!!!! The Poo stream of IMGFLIP!! Truly a group of brainwashed morons, unable to have a reasonable discussion.
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If I would rather have a sister that was a prostitute than a brother that was a liberal it would be less shame on my family
LOL!!! My dad actually said that to someone when they were trying to say who they were, Basically, Blah Blah Blah I am Blah, My dad said so my sister is a prostitute! That stopped that conversation!!
They introduced the Kanye Kardashian Let 'Em Go Law that the Donny signed, don'tcha remember? These guys were positively jizzy about letting them out of the Democrat Prison Plantation...