Exactly! And ONLY that, as who else has such restrictions on Cuba?
Even when on the USSR's teat they were beyond broke, and while China is trying to build bases in Mozambique, it ain't doing diddly for Cuba.
Did you know that Cuba is immune to Global Warming? Smack dab in the middle of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, and its corals are fine, fish are all over the place, they even average 10x the number of sharks in its waters more than rest of the planet. You know why? No fertilizer, and other agricultural and chemical, sewage runoff. Tell that the Gore & Greta, the Castros have found the cure to Climate Change!
Why? Because they don't get their allowance from Big Daddy Uncle Sam. How's that for the wonders of El Communismo?
FUN FACT: The USSR got 70% of its wheat from the USA - AT A DISCOUNT SO THEY WOULD'T STARVE! We could've ended them and the Cold War by pulling the plug, but naah, they might invade Greece so they can eat their olives or some crap.
Welcome to Planet Welfare, where everyone lived in the Middle Ages till the Marshall Plan started remaking it.