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Hunter Biden is finally good for something

Hunter Biden is finally good for something | image tagged in modern problems,joe biden,hunter biden | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,845 views 53 upvotes Made by Sipad2016 3 years ago in politics
6 ups, 3y
And they should give us 50k in cash
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sometimes my genius is... it's almost frightening | image tagged in sometimes my genius is it's almost frightening | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Not all. That amount was to be set aside to settle the pending lawsuits for the kids who were separated. It was already been determined years ago that the policy was applied to refugees who presented themselves at the border legally and requested refuge.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Then they should have gone through the proper ports of entry. They didn’t.
2 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Sorry, but no. It was used in both cases. I don't know how many cases were legal entry, but there were definitely some.

Ms. L vs. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was a class action lawsuit pertaining to it.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
Oh you don’t? I do. When American parents are arrested they are separated from their children why should illegals be any different? Illegals wouldn’t if they weren’t potential New Democrat votes.
2 ups, 3y,
2 replies
Still ignoring the fact that there were refugees who didn't ever illegally who were separated from their families?

And generally kids are returned to their families after time is served
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
This isn’t rocket science. Stop being dumb.
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
And the class action lawsuit the administration lost for not doing that?
3 ups, 3y,
1 reply
The person you're engaging with doesn't appear to care much about conversation. Their many memes tend to have comments disabled. So, I wouldn't bother engaging with them anyway.

0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
More like I do t want to deal with extremist trolls like Modda, StanHalen and that SsTtuuddaa-guy-whatever-his-name-is.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
I'm sorry, I only talk to people who enable comments and, if they have a problem with certain individuals, they can block them.
0 ups, 3y
Okay, sounds like you are not someone I want to talk to anyway. Good day.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
What about it?
0 ups, 3y,
13 replies
You keep saying they shouldn't have come illegally. What about the ones who didn't?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply

First, the idea that 30% of millennials are LGBTQ is just a ridiculous number. the source report they seem to be relying on is clearly biased biased, though it was an interesting read.”

Like I said before I don’t care about the LGBT part of this poll

“As far as indoctrination...nah. most grew up post cold war and if anything lack the red scare indoctrination. Add to that global communication via the internet and you have a generation that knows that we are the only western country without universal healthcare, and they ask why that is. They can communicate with people in those countries, browse their news, etc.”

Way to change the subject. We are talking about socialism here. Like I demonstrated before that is not Europe. That is Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China.

Can’t communicate much with people in those countries, but there are communist survivors from Cuba in south Florida, and Soviet survivors in Brighton Beach, NY, who have been trying to tell this generation that this garbage doesn’t work. Here’s one I subscribe to on YouTube who’s really good:

“Why do we have medical bankruptcies when the rest of the developed world doesn't? Why are we stuck in a two party system when implementing ranked choice voting would allow multiple parties”

Communism is a one-party state.
0 ups, 3y
And we are back to the point - I'm not a socialist or a communist. You are the one who says I am. There is nothing that progressives are pushing for that isn't implemented in the countries I'm talking about.

How do we get universal healthcare in a way you wouldn't decry as socialism?

Not changing the subject. You says we were indoctrinated - I'm countering that point.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
This isn’t a matter of debate. We don’t want the government controlling our healthcare. Even Trump got more votes than the entire population of the UK. The NHS has killed people and I don’t want it. You need to get a clue.

Why you may define socialism differently, it doesn’t change the way it is defined in the poll I linked to where 48% of millennials support socialism as defined by the Soviet system.
0 ups, 3y
I disagree. It is a matter for debate because I do want it, and so do a lot of people.

Do you want to compare the percentage of people killed by the NHS to the number of people who died because they put off going to the doctor or who couldn't afford their medicine? Also, medicare for all doesn't propose to copy NHS. NHS actually owns the hospitals in the UK. The system most often proposed here would simply make the government the single payer for insurance claims. Hospitals would still be free market.

I'm going to be straight with you: you will eventually lose this fight. The cost of medical care goes up yearly and it will continue to go up due to our aging demographics. Our current system is the most expensive in the world and when compared to the other top spenders, we aren't really getting much out of it. None of them leave us in the dust or anything, but they beat us on some key metrics. And on the metrics we beat them on, we don't leave them in the dust.

If the free market can bring it to us better, faster, cheaper, then they should. And if they can't...then this will be one of the examples of things we conclude the profit motive isn't useful for. We don't have for profit police, fireman, or soldiers. Maybe we don't need for profit medical insurance either.

The pendulum of public opinion swings back and forth, and eventually we will have the votes necessary to make it happen. And none of the countries that have gone universal care are clamoring to go back.

So, if you don't want us to go in 100%, it would probably be a good idea to find a compromise. The obvious compromise would be to have a public option.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
I don’t want the government controlling my healthcare.
0 ups, 3y
And that is a matter for debate and in congress. Maybe the middle ground of having a public option but not fully eliminating private insurance. There are a number of methods that have been used to achieve universal heathcare, and a few of them were regulated open market methods. I forget which countries, but I remember reading on it. But in the end, they don't provide the cost savings of a single payer system.

But that doesn't change my point: I'm called a socialist for wanting it. But when I point out countries who also have it, you tell me they aren't socialist. I'm not sure what the disconnect here is:

If supporting universal healthcare makes me a socialist, then I am. I don't consider myself one, but I'll let you decide the label.

If having universal healthcare would make us a socialist country, then why doesn't it make Canada, the UK, and the rest of Europe socialist?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
“I'm hoping the total disregard for social programs doesn't lead to widespread support for actual 1900's style socialism among the youth“

That’s already happening thanks to communist indoctrination in public schools.

PS I don’t care about the LGBT part, I am referring to the 48% socialism part. It is defined separately from capitalism, which further proves that there really is no such thing as a mixed economy like you claim.

Here’s the entire study:

And PS I’m a millennial too. That is some scary stuff right there.
0 ups, 3y

First, the idea that 30% of millennials are LGBTQ is just a ridiculous number. the source report they seem to be relying on is clearly biased biased, though it was an interesting read.

As far as indoctrination...nah. most grew up post cold war and if anything lack the red scare indoctrination. Add to that global communication via the internet and you have a generation that knows that we are the only western country without universal healthcare, and they ask why that is. They can communicate with people in those countries, browse their news, etc.

Why do we have medical bankruptcies when the rest of the developed world doesn't? Why are we stuck in a two party system when implementing ranked choice voting would allow multiple parties.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
There has already been compromise: Obamacare. Seniors get Medicare because they have more health problems. Young people are generally healthy.

I also noticed how you failed to address the socialism thing. You keep saying it’s only healthcare, but socialism in that poll i linked to is defined as the Soviet model.
0 ups, 3y
Obama care has been nerfed. It did result in a lot more people getting medical coverage, but we still didn't achieve universal care. And that , without compromise, is the goal. We can compromise on how we get there, but not on the universalness of the coverage.

Maybe point me to the part about Soviet Model, because I'm not seeing anything like that.

In the Foundations of Freedom report, they didn't ask "are you a socialist", they asked as a yes/no question, "Prefer socialism to capitalism", and with that question it was 48% yes, 52% no.

What you are failing to see is that we don't care for the labels. Look at the "Reactions to Political Terminology" section of that survey (see attached meme).

For Conservatives & Progressives/Liberals the percentages are pretty much the same. 36% Positive for Progressives, 33% for Conservatives. The reaction to Socialism was the same as it was to conservatives. 33% positive, 27% Neutral, 28% negative.

We don't like capitalism or socialism. The question itself was flawed as all functional economies in the world are mixed economies at this point.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Well, you need to wake up then. There are already numerous Republicans pushing back against Biden’s proposed idea. Just because there hasn’t been a lawsuit yet doesn’t mean there won’t be one. And while the 6-3 conservative SCOTUS have stayed out of the elections, they haven’t stayed out of everything else.

Just stop already. If you want to help illegals over Americans then do it, but don’t put it on our bill. Take them into your home and pay for them yourselves.

And you pretty much admitted in your first post you don’t know of any of these litigants who voluntarily turned themselves into border patrol. You just guessed. Well, even the left-wing national news media has admitted these people were illegals.

“Sleeping_dragon2 ups, 2d, 1 reply

Sorry, but no. It was used in both cases. I don't know how many cases were legal entry, but there were definitely some“
1 up, 3y
Republicans are pushing back. I doubt they are serious about it though. It reads well, it memes well, but think about it.... A settlement keeps it out of the courts and news cycles. A public trial going over the separation of children from their parents and with an attorney interviewing parents and even children separated for years... But we will see.

I said i don't know how many were separated that were legal asylum seekers, but there was at least the ones listed here:

I guess we'll see how things go.
0 ups, 3y
BTW it appears the plaintiffs lost that case you cited…or at least they didn’t win monetary compensation in the end.

Also U.S.C. § 1158 simply allows aliens to apply for asylum. It does not require them to be let go into the country until their cases are heard and they can still be deported if ordered by a judge.

The SCOTUS recently ordered the Biden Administration to resume “stay in Mexico.”
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
A lawsuit that will be thrown out by the SCOTUS.

No, I will stick with homeless veterans and helping fellow Americans over foreign invaders. There are Americans who need help and people like you don’t care.
0 ups, 3y
I doubt SCOTUS will hear it. The fact is there are cases where despite a zero tolerance policy to try all illegal border crossers, there are people whose children were taken and they weren't charged with illegally crossing. In effect, they documented it themselves.

You don't know what I care about. I back any effort that works help our veterans or to help children. But a lot of people only bring it up to one up other concerns. If the only time you care about veterans is when people want to help someone else, you don't aren't really helping veterans.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
You have yet to prove there was any.

And please keep ignoring American children who really have been mistreated.
0 ups, 3y

I'm all for helping American children as well, but two wrongs don't make a right.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
You forget who controls the SCOTUS. And I care about Americans always. You care about illegals over Americans. That’s pathetic.
0 ups, 3y
The SCOTUS may have a conservative lean, but they haven't ruled hard right. I don't see where anyone has tried to take this to SCOTUS. Honestly, I don't see anyone denying that the separation happened.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Once again you link to Marxist BS. These people came illegally. They deserve nothing from us. They were warned.
1 up, 3y
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Prove it
1 up, 3y
"prove it" - I have a feeling you will try to say that the Judges ruling isn't actually proof. If you go that route, please advise what would constitute proof.

This has the text in HTML, or you can download the judges signed version at the bottom of the page.

On the PDF, its on page 13 and 14

"Here, many of the family separations have been the result of the Executive Branch's zero tolerance policy, but the record also reflects that the practice of family separation was occurring before the zero tolerance policy was announced, and that practice has resulted in the casual, if not deliberate, separation of families that lawfully present at the port of entry, not just those who cross into the country illegally. Ms. L. is an example of this family separation practice expanding beyond its lawful reach, and she is not alone."
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
American children should always come first. If you wan to help foreign invaders take them into your own home.

And links to frivolous lawsuits from the ACLU is proof of nothing. Globalist lawyers like the ACLU are no less scummy than any other ambulance-chasing trial lawyer.

Pay for these people yourself.
0 ups, 3y
A lawsuit that was won.

Ignore if you want. Or pick from the standard list:

Save the children

Homeless veterans

Unborn babies

Those are the standard things to bring up to deflect from an uncomfortable issue
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
And this is what your Dear Leader Biden’s policies keep causing:

Enough with the human rights BS. People arriving at the border after apparently walking “thousands of miles” with IPhones and wearing nice clothes-not to mention many overweight people-aren’t doing too bad. They are obviously getting paid to do this. Get your head out of your rear.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"Human rights BS" - you amuse me.

People fleeing generally bring what valuables they can with them. For most people, their most valuable portable thing is a smart phone. Often fleeing involves bribing people along the way - fleeing as a refugee even on foot takes money and resources.

Victim shaming and implied criminality as an excuse to dehumanize. A tried and true method to be sure.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
No, I believe in helping real victims, not paid invaders. Biden giving illegals hotel suites and bussing them around the country during what is supposed to be a pandemic, while many Americans live on the street is not what I would call compassion, but being the libtard that you are I know you don’t know the difference.

The offer still stands, we’ll send them to your home and the home of every libtard in the country who wants them here. The rest of us have our own problems.
0 ups, 3y,
4 replies
"Paid Invaders" - is this a real conspiracy theory? Like, you didn't make it up on the spot? You think that refugees camped out at the border with children, or under bridges for months are paid invaders? How much do you think they are being paid? Like, what does a gig like that net you? Is it a one time payment or ongoing lifelong salary once you are in the US? Or do you only get paid at election time? How do 'they' know you voted the way they wanted, or at all? I have so many questions.... Has someone gone undercover with them and documented all of this? I'd be curious to know... Surely you have some base expectation of evidence to support a theory like that.

If this isn't just an excuse not to help anyone, I assume you have some suggestion or referenced legislation to help the American families on the street? I'd suggest something myself, but anything suggested by one of my ilk will inevitably be referred to as socialism. So, what specific legislation is out there that we Libs are blocking that would be helping these other families?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Proof of Biden suspending illegals?
0 ups, 3y
Reports from CBP? People who voted for him pissed at him? Flights back to Cuba? Take your pick. The problem is, I don't know what source you consider reputable. Biden had let enough people in to piss off the centrists and stuck with enough of Trump's policies to piss off the progressives.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
PS if you are referring to Denmark as an example of socialism working:
0 ups, 3y
😂 that's the point actually. Labels are dumb when all we have are mixed economies. I'm really not a socialist. I want programs that Denmark and other countries have. call it capitalism with a strong safety net, or call it democratic socialism, or call it collectivism. We've been desensitized. It doesn't matter.

When we try to implement programs that the rest of the developed world has, you call them socialism and say socialism doesn't work. So we point to the countries that have it and you explain that they aren't socialist. And around we go. In essence, you've taken all bite from the term. Which is a real shame, because I actually agree with you: old school text book socialism doesn't work. Free market is the best in most situations. I'm hoping the total disregard for social programs doesn't lead to widespread support for actual 1900's style socialism among the youth
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
I already knew Biden was getting rid of Cuban immigrants. He knows many of them won’t vote Democrat and would disapprove of the Democrat communist agenda after escaping such a place. I was talking about the “refugees” from Mexico and Central America who have been flooding across the southern border. Keep up.
0 ups, 3y
They won't vote anyway. Refugees can't apply for citizenship until they've been in the US 5 years. As far as who they would vote for... Yeah, I would imagine they might have loyalty to those that gave them refuge over the party claiming they are paid actors and communist plants.

Communist agenda.... You sound ridiculous. The amount of organization and power you seem to attribute is adorable.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
You are a communist. Socialism is the path to communism. It is clearly defined as government ownership of the means of production, elimination of private property, and a one-party state. That is what the Democrats want. Open borders is a part of achieving that means. People who come from other capitalistic countries that are impoverished, Democrats can easily persuade them to a revolution by blaming capitalism, despite other capitalist countries being well-off. . Soros has been paying these people to come here. I doubt many of them are really living under bridges and in tents. The media just likes to show you the worst of it for propaganda purposes. And if you haven’t been following the news the last several months Biden has been bussing them around the country, giving them spending money, and free hotel rooms. Maybe you need to keep up more.
0 ups, 3y
Socialism is the path to communism...Why would that be, do you think?

I don't consider myself a socialist or a capitalist really. Every functional economy in the world is a mixed economy of one form or the other for a reason. People tried the 'pure' forms and they didn't work.

Soros - you guys being obsessed with one billionaire and ignoring all the rest would be amusing if it wasn't so sad.

Hotels - Biden was expelling the majority of asylum seekers under title 42, but some places in Mexico weren't taking them back. So, yes, for a brief moment they were being kept in hotels. It looks like that was in March and April.

How is it everything you don't want to believe is propaganda? I would personally find that suspicious.

But anyway, we circle back to the issue with conspiracy theories - evidence. It should be easy to find for something so massive as this, right?
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