Chopping off or surgically destroying body parts is wrong. It was one thing when people wanted gay rights. If people want to be gay and get married, great. Be gay and get married 🌈 That’s all well and good. But once we get into changing your sex, that is not well and good. People should be taught to love themselves the way they are. Not to convert themselves into something they could never naturally be. And no, I do not consider gay rights to be a parade of freaks dry humping each other in the street. If straight people do that, we get arrested. No one should be promoting unhealthy, inappropriate behavior for the sake of the rights of a minority group. There are still social rules and norms. And everyone should comply or understand that if they are intentionally breaching the norm, they won’t be treated well. I do it all the time. And I’m treated horribly all the time.