"This is not an experiment."
So, informed consent only applies to experiments? Also, under any other conditions this would still be in the experimental phase. The FDA just slapped an "approved" lable on it to shove it down our throats. In reality, it's a distinction without a difference.
"Coved is no less deadly and is much more contagious than anything else we were vaccinated against."
It is less deadly than literally everything else we are vaccinated against (except the flu vaccine, which many decline) with a fatality rate of way less than 1%. I will give you that it's more contagious, except for the flu (and with that we're back to flu comparisons.)
"The vaccines are safe."
Safe is a relative term. This vaccine has been shown to be "less safe" than most other vaccines, but still with a statistically low incidence of severe adverse reactions. (Personal anecdotal evidence would suggest a high incidence of mild reactions such as getting sick for a day or so) Long term effects, such as increased risks of blood clots, enlarged heart, etc. are still emerging, so it's long term safety remains unclear.
For many, the risk/reward analysis just doesn't pan out. COVID19 is not polio, smallpox, or even the measles in terms of the risk IF (and that's still an "if") you catch it.
I would not advise against getting the vaccine (me and my family got it already, except my 12 year old who just got their first dose) but i completely understand many peoples reluctance and fully respect their medical autonomy and choice to not get it.