I could go on and on pointing you to the myriad of passages that show, both in Jesus' direct words as well as His words spoken through His apostles and prophets, that after the cross people must continue to repent and be born again BEFORE they leave this life. It is appointed unto each of us to die once, then immediately face judgment. That judgment is in essence a temporary one based on the ultimate Day of Judgment, and then that soul resides in Lower Sheol, a place of torment based on what Jesus told us in Luke 16:19-31
That passage ends this way:
And he [the rich man] said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ He [Abraham] said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’”
In other words, even when faced with the clear resurrection of Jesus, if a person will not have faith in what God has said in the Old Testament, and ultimately the entire Word of God, they will not have a saving faith. This flies in the face of your concept that everyone in the end will be saved because they confess that Jesus is Lord.
One final thought (for now).
Will there be ANYONE in Heaven with God who does NOT love Him? The answer is most assuredly "no". In your description of who gets into Heaven, God would then be forcing all of those God haters to love Him, against their will.
God will not do that. He could have created a bunch of robots who genuinely love Him, as far as they know, but God would know that such a love was not freely chosen. I believe that EVERY human being has the opportunity to love God of their own free will, but the sad truth is that the majority will not. God made every provision for them to be forever with Him, and they still rejected Him. God gives each person the perfect circumstances, tailored to their own personality, in which they can freely choose to live (cf. Acts 17:26-27), or to mock Him and die.
The only reason I have gone to such lengths to try and help you with this is because a true believer, indwelt with God the Holy Spirit, should have a reverence and a love for His Word. To a degree, this is something we must work with God to develop. So, for a much as I love His Word, I equally despise when it is twisted, regardless of the motive. I realize you have no ill intent, which is why I am attempting to be helpful- you seem to have a genuine love for God, and a calm spirit. May God bless this conversatio