Let's assume that what you're suggesting is *possible.*
We cross that bridge when we get there and vaccinate for it. We deal with the problem we have now. It's really strange that the right-wing is suddenly worried about long term ramifications but are unconcerned with climate change.
Your outrage and caution is transparent. This isn't about the vaccine, it's about politics for the right wing. I'm having a hard time separating who is genuinely concerned about the virus and the vaccine versus those who are just playing politics.
The chance of something happening down the road is so infinitesimally small, that it's just baffling why you're worried about something that has a probability of happening to be less than one in a thousand. Probably closer to one in a million. Yet, you're not at all concerned with the virus or getting vaccinated for it when (medical supplies are not available) has a kill efficiency of 8-12% at its height and was still climbing because there wasn't enough medical supplies.
That's the case in Florida and Alabama. No room in hospitals, people be dying of not only the virus, but naturally occurring accidents like car crashes, cardiac arrest, etc, because their ICUs and Emergency rooms are full of fools who won't see the forest for the trees.