In America, we don't just see the racism of white Democrats, particularly via their "racism of lowered expectations" where they oppose voter ID laws (supported by most Americans to protect the integrity of votes and the election process) because they falsely claim that black Americans don't have driver's licenses, social insurance numbers, birth certificates, or passports, or other means of valid ID. It's just idiotic.
Then add to that the open racism of many black Democrats including black Democrats on CNN, MSNBC, etc. and black Democrat politicians (Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris, etc.) hat say the most vile, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-American, and anti-Western civilization lies while never having their hateful ideologies (like Critical Race Theory) and ideas challenged.
The Democrats rely on race-hustling and lies to fan the racially divisive flames as a way to divide and conquer, to win votes, and to hide how little the Democratic Party has benefited black communities lately given the failing schools, the crumbling infrastructure, and the sharp rise in crime.