When you hear that maga came from years of being looked down upon, just remember that comments like this are no different. For years all I hear is this network lies, this network is pushing a narrative, you have to think independently. If you want to call what the democratic party does just propaganda to fool the masses then I have news for you, the republicans are exactly the same. I was open to hearing the arguments of rigged elections but the evidence was never produced in court. After failing to see the right proceed the proper route (the courts), I saw people resort to violence. Since I believe the rigged election argument is just BS aligns with what is reported at say cnn, I am not thinking independently? I watched the 1/6 events on tv. I saw people attacking police to get in, I saw a president (who admits to watching a lot of tv) fail to even attempt to stop what was happening. Anyway I understand it is easier to explain away differing points of views as mindless followings of a political/media machine.