Bush Sr had Iraq for a couple of weeks and Panama for a weekend.
Jr had Afganistan and Iraq which lasted a couple of decades and counting.
Obama inherited both those wars plus TARP, at one trillion apiece, and drone striked key Al Queda brass back to the hell from whence they came in various spots, oh, and bin Laden too whom W never quite got around to getting to because, um, reasons.
Clinton bombed Iraq when it came time to wag the dog and Somalia for a bit too, oh, and Bosnia, Serbia, and Kosovo while UN Peace Keepers sat by and took notes of the massacres and mass rapes.
Reagan invaded Grenada and destroyed its danger-to-our-national-security hospital,
and he blew up Qaddafi's palace, killing 2 rather lethal camels and supposedly an adopted child who apparently never was there anyways....
Not sure how the budgetting works out on all these but survey sez....