The issue with that is it looks only at the present, which in the art of rhetoric is only useful for assigning value. Their current actions are indeed not particularly trying, but in order to assign blame/virtue we need to shift to the past. How did they get into that position? Did they earn it through hard work? Was it given to them by a predecessor? How did that predecessor come to own the land?
If someone grew up working hard and started acquiring property, investing responsibly, and in general putting in the effort to build their own empire, where is the problem in their reaping the rewards down the line? As far as I'm concerned, that's about as pretty of a golden parachute as one could weave themself.
Now, if said property owner did nothing but inherit the holdings and uses them as a cop-out from actually working hard at something in life, or someone works hard but selfishly runs the place like a slum and doesn't treat those below with dignity and consideration, then I'd side with you and say they're not exactly being good examples of the ideal I'm trying to convey (and in using that litote I mean they could run the gamut from mildly distasteful to sewer scum).