Armstrong Economics op-ed: author was claiming that the cruise ships being withheld from St. Vincent islands during the recent volcanic eruptions were part of a Nazi-esque movement to exterminate anti vaxxers from the populace.
What really happened? Cruise lines offered their ships to take on islanders in order to ease the logistical burden on eruption shelter populations. Logically, they only wanted vaccinated passengers, because the shelters were secure and the population in no imminent danger. I guarantee that, should lava flows have endangered a shelter or even the entire island, the cruise ships would have taken all islanders on board.
People who take this stuff seriously are often beyond reason...the issue is, you only cement that status and promote tribalism by labeling them as such, so I make it policy to always present as many well-sourced facts from outlets (FOX is a great gateway platform) to show how their narrative is wrong. My favorite line, and one that seems to fail less often than others, is to point out, "Look, if FOX isn't taking that angle, there's probably no credence to it." FOX will never hesitate to run a story that scores points for the center-right/right, just as CNN and MSNBC never fail to score points for the center-left/left. Usually you can use that as a decent pry bar to delve into the matter.