Since she was the perpetrator of a HOAX, the mainstream media won't report it. This has been proven time and again when I post anything NOT positive about the liberal agenda. She was portrayed as a BLM activist so in keeping with their mission to support/defend BLM at all costs, the media chose to not report it. Remember how the "riots" were "mostly peaceful" as BLM & Anti-fa burned, looted and murdered? They call themselves "journalists"....I call them liars because if they omit, change, or present a story as factual news that is not true, they deserve the title.
In her broken words (not mine), the expelled student parrots what she has learned through the biased media....
Unanka claimed she felt out-of-place in society and told how to act in the "white community" and watch what she says. "Victoria don't drive on the road because the cop could stop you and arrest you," Unanka parroted. "Victoria befriend white people so they don't say you're racist or anything. Victoria do this. Victoria do that," she continued, alleging there's immense pressure on black kids these days.