I’ve seen a 5 year old or so kid in the Costco parking lot get spanked and yelled at for dropping their frozen yogurt. The kid the whole time was crying, “sorry daddy, I didn’t mean to, it was an accident!” #shittyparent
One of those things where if they act that way toward their own kid, it would be unsafe for a random stranger to try and intervene. You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t. All I could do is pray that the kid and/or the parent found help.
I understand that you care and it’s good that you do, but there’s not much to do about it at this point, it was a few years ago. Pretty much the kid dropped it and started apologizing and the dad still yelled and then spanked once as they got in the car and left.
They passed by briefly in the rearview mirror so all I could tell was that the kid was probably a late toddler or preschool age kid. I gotta ask, why all the questions about it? Did this happen to you?
0 ups, 4y
no but my dad yells at me for rediculous stuff lol