Yep, and everyone both sane and honest knows all this. But most media outlets are now essentially working for the political and ideological interests of the Dem Party and so SANITY and HONESTY went out the window years ago where they are concerned . . . and most people only hear and see what these fanatically leftist loyal media outlets WANT them to see and hear.
So a tiny group of drunk guys -- acting up only ONE TIME -- ARE a powerful insurrection capable of potentially toppling this government whereas organized and paid professional ANTIFA and BLM rioters, looters, arsonists, muggers and murderers ARE NOT terrorists or insurrectionists despite conducting a violent rampage against this nation for about a year now.
Meanwhile . . . utterly non-thinking but all-emoting leftist sheeple gulp down leftist generated fake news and propaganda in unlimited amounts . . . and mindlessly cheer the leftist generated destruction of this nation. So . . . it . . . goes.