Step up. What does not challenge you will not make you better. Work is not suffering, work is means to a goal. You suffer because you lack a goal. Set a goal and work becomes the journey to your reward. You say "us" and "we," as if your "friends" (mere acquaintances?) matter. Do you think anybody in your school gives a rip if you make it or not? After you graduate you will have a 5-year class reunion and everyone will be trying to relive their glory days with fake tans, fake hair, fake stories, fake memories, fake handshakes, fake hugs; everyone trying to impress everybody else. How many other kids do you know, and maybe this includes you, are "too cool for school?" They act like assignments, classes, and grades don't matter. Nothing matters but their next good time. Do you think in 20 years anyone looks at these zero-achievers and says, "He is dumber than a pet rock but wow, was he cool in school!" Ha. Nobody. Apply yourself, get a foundation of education under your feet so you have options. Your opportunity lies before you, and it is unlimited. You and you alone make it into what it can be. Nobody is going to do it for you. All it takes is a little... Work. Will you suffer? Of course. But that is only temporary. Your reward will come from doing today what others won't, so tomorrow you can have what others can't. And nobody can take that away from you.