He would have to rig it to win at this point. After everyone in the news, education system, and the entertainment industry convinced us what a bad guy he is he could never win.
I am sure the 9 trillion dollars in debt, letting covid ruin the economy, increased trade inbalance with China and inciting a foot has nothing to do with people thinking he is one of the worst presidents ever.
You may have a point about the debt but the rest of that schpiel is nonsense.
Letting covid ruin the economy. Righhhhht. Anyone in power would have taken a hit. He increased gap before that hit more than expected if you weren't paying attention.
Trade imbalance? Boy could that be people ordering off of Amazon because of covid? Are you braindead?
Inciting a insurrection? How? Saying fight like hell? Saying bs about the election. Thats his right. Why do you need to attack the 1st amendment? No one is responsible for the actions of others unless there is a direct call for it. Guilt by association is Mccarthyism.
You are just part of the worst and most ignorant bunch of constituents of all time.
Forgot about calling it a hoax? Denying the efficiency of mask? Of quarantine?
Forgot about the rallies he held?
Being the "richest country in the world " we have the highest amount of deaths all because his populist ass told his dumb followers covid was a hoax.
What about giving our protective fear to China? My sister is a nurse, she had to work for a month unprotected because his dumb ass proffered to protect the Chinese.
Amazon huh? What there was no Amazon when Obama was president?
His dumb policies created that.
Yes is his right to get his cult railed up.
But he has to deal with the consequences of enforcing his right.
Conservatives love to scream first amendment until some bends a knee.