The Republican Party doesn't seem to be much of a political party anymore - it seems to be in an identity crisis and is transforming into a cult around Donald J. Trump. Back in the day of Ronald Reagan, they actually were a party that held principled conservative beliefs. When Trump came in, it seems they were persuaded to jettison those principles.
The day Trump was sworn in there became four political parties. Democrats, Independents, Republicans and Trumpublicans. Trumpublicans are Terrorists that would year this entire country apart instead of having a conversation about what they want and they're not willing to compromise because they believe they somehow matter more than everyone else in the country. Can you imagine if Biden had lost the popular vote by three million and still been sworn in like Trump? Hypocrites are so cliche.
Well, you are right about that, he got his chance, for the voters wanted a non politician. By the time his term was over, he was FULL BLOWN POLITICIAN.
Everyone knows Trump is guilty; And we will soon know which Senators are Trumpublican Terrorists choosing to protect Donald Trump over Democracy, Law Enforcement, the Republican party AND the United States of America