FDR's Playbook for JB (Joe Biden):
- pushes for big progressive government, stated intention to grow government, at the expense of the private economy (JB: $6 trillion "Build Back Better, Back on Track")
- starts Social Security taxes scheme, funds which are never invested to grow (JB: raise capital gains tax to create layoffs and stall recovery)
- New Deal: the totalitarian and counterproductive,
dictates associated with the National Recovery Act (NRA) include wage-controls, price-controls, production-controls, as well as mandates governing agriculture and
industry. To manipulate prices upward so that unpayable business loans can be repaid, farmers are ordered to kill livestock as millions go hungry during the Great
Depression! (JB: Green New Deal, gas and food prices up)
- Uses IRS and FBI to investigate and silence his outspoken critics (JB: under Obama, target Trump associates then and now)
- attempted to pack the Supreme Court with 6 of his stooges to get favorable rulings on his New Deal which the court has ruled are unconstitutional. (JB: pack SCOTUS plan)
- led US Marines into 19 year occupation of Haiti, killing 15-20,000 (JB: supported Iraq war)
- outrageous interference in the affairs of Eastern Europe
emboldens the foolish Polish government into kicking off what would later spiral into a disastrous World War in 1939. (JB: Ukraine sabre rattling)
- allowing Japan to attack Pearl Harbor so he can declare war (JB: hype "active shooter drills" to ban guns)
- orders 100,000 Japanese-Americans to concentration camps before war started (author of Crime Bill)
- handing over enormous concessions to Joe Stalin,representing the direct origin of Mao's Communist takeover of China. (China Joe!)
- EO to ban private ownership of gold or face jail time. (JB: EO dictator)
- affair with two secretaries (JB: sniff, multiple accusations)