Let me give you some basis in Mexican politics. since the 2006 MX election, AMLO was against Felipe Calderon. Obrador supposedly won, but the PRI (institutional revolutionary party) cheated and it went to Calderon. FF 6 years, and the 2012 election is in. Obrador ran again, but this time, against Pena Nieto. He won by 19m votes, and obrador by 15m. and Nieto did lots of stupid crap. Privatizing land and water, raising gas prices to a dollar (20 Mxn=1 usd per liter), and some other things. Lots of people were protesting. Come 2018, according to wikipedia, Obrador won by a landslide. and AMLO is doing is job well. I'm a US citizen, but im hispanic, and i pay attention to both mexican and american politics.