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Boiled it all down to one simple meme.....

Boiled it all down to one simple meme..... | There is a lie going around that Christianity had nothing to do with the founding of the United States despite the thousands of documents from the founders that state otherwise. The claim is we are not a Christian nation. Put aside hypocritical "christians" for a minute. In a nutshell this book basically says do no harm to others, we are each accountable to higher authorities, be good to each other, forgive each other, and specifically for judges- don't pervert justice by accepting bribes. This guy was educated, had traveled, leached off his family, his in-laws and his friends, never had a job, let his family live in squalor, allowed his children and wife to die of neglect and suicide and wrote about the necessity of destroying EVERYTHING. There are people demanding the USA follow his 153 year old failed ideas, written before true liberty was even 100 years old. They want to throw off fundamentals that have maintained law, order and peace for 6,000 years because the rules that work are too old. Everywhere the old rules are the foundation there is general peace, safety and prosperity. Everywhere the new, improved rules are applied there has been mass murder, starvation and deep poverty in societies destroyed by leaches. Just like the life of the guy who wrote the new, improved rules. ARE YOU STILL CONFLICTED ABOUT WHICH SYSTEM IS BETTER? | image tagged in holy bible | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
942 views 34 upvotes Made by sevenheart 4 years ago in politics
5 ups, 4y
I completely agree. Even someone who isn't a Christian should consider the Bible to be a VERY good book.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
This meme is really long....
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
TL_D zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
0 ups, 4y
1 up, 4y
No I’m not. Pretty sure communism is a crime against humanity.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
just to bring up a point, we are not a Christian nation, and was never the case. To be a Christian nation it requires 100% of the population to be Christian. Only God's kingdom is a Christian nation. USA being a Christian nation is just a dram that was given to people to appease them and make them happy, but is not a reality.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
I would consider India a Hindu nation, though it's not 100% Hindu.
0 ups, 4y
Neeener, neener neener, India is a mongrel nation because it isn't pure.................oh wait----every nation is a mogrel!!!!!!!! (You are correct on this InarenCorp)
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
what you consider is not a fact, just your opinion. Islam is a growing religion in India. But again to an X religion country needs to be 100% of the population. USA was never no where near close to be 100%, so India was much closer to 100% Hinduism than USA ever being 100% Christian and making the outrageous claims they are a Christian nation.
0 ups, 4y
There has never been a nation full of 100% one religion (except maybe the Vatican) so I disagree.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Nations are always classified by the majority, never by 100%, for example communist countries are never 100% communists. And God's Realm is a Kingdom (not picking on you). The US was founded on Christian principles and the best thinking of the times which arguably is some of the best thinking of history. The lie has been put forward for long enough that too many people buy it, and this is all a deliberate move to rid the US of the biggest obstacle to communism. Once the church is obliterated, communism historically moves itself into the position of god.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I agree 100% whole heartily with what you said, I specially like "The lie has been put forward for long enough that too many people buy it, and this is all a deliberate move to rid the US of the biggest obstacle to communism. Once the church is obliterated, communism historically moves itself into the position of god." and you can see it in Cuba, which is what Fidel Castro did. However, to my context is the claim of "we are a Christian nation", which was my believe that was debunked by my pastor who said "Only God's kingdom is a true Christian nation". Because it was build upon Christian values does not make it, Out government is based on Greek politics doctrines, but that does not makes us Greek nation either. I mean, we are arguing something trivial. I think it also goes in the lines that many people consider themselves Christians by heritage, but not because they fallow the faith. This country is not a True Christian nation, and it will never be. But, when I die, that is what is waiting for me, so I do not want any other form of artificial replacement to satisfy that hunger.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
We agree on so much. One fact you might enjoy is the three branches of government are based on early Church "government." I heard it decades ago so I'm more sketchy than is appropriate to spell out here. Presbyterian Episcopal and Congregational (not the denominations but the form) roughly equate to the executive, judicial and legislative branches- not necessarily in that order. Saying we are a Christian nation is easier than saying we are predominantly Christian nation.
0 ups, 4y
I forgot to say for much of our history we as a nation did not work after noon on Saturdays, and Sunday was a fairly universal day of rest. If you didn't fill you car before noon on Saturday you didn't go anywhere you didn't have enough gas to get back from.
5 ups, 4y,
3 replies
1. The United States became the first nation in history to abolish religious disqualifications from officeholding and civic engagement. The founders purposely created a nation that based its legitimacy on popular will, not on some higher power.
2. From where did the idea of America’s founding as a Christian nation arise? It arose in the early 19th century as later generations of Americans sought to establish a national identity, one that distinguished and exemplified the founding by sanctifying the nation’s origins. Much later than the actual founding.
3.The Declaration of Independence appealed to “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” and asserted that all men had basic rights “endowed by their Creator.” But the Constitution – the document that actually enumerated and enshrined those rights – lacked even those vaguely drawn references to a deity.
4. There is no religious tests for federal officeholders, no establishment of any national religion and no congressional interference with individual citizens’ free exercise of their own faith.
5. This was no accident. Despite their respect for religion and their belief in the divine origins of human rights, many of the Founding Fathers worried that religion would corrupt the state.
6.In his longest rumination on the topic in the Federalist Papers, for instance, James Madison challenged the idea that religion in politics would lead men to “cooperate for their common good” and asserted instead that it would make them “vex and oppress each other.”

7. Accordingly, Madison praised the new Constitution for keeping faith out of federal officeholding, which would welcome individuals “of every description, whether native or adoptive, whether young or old, and without regard to poverty or wealth, or to any particular profession of religious faith.”

If the founders had not made their stance on this “Christian nation” issue clear enough in the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they certainly did in the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli.

Begun by George Washington, signed by John Adams and ratified unanimously by a Senate still half-filled with signers of the Constitution, this treaty announced firmly and flatly to the world that “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
10 ups, 4y
You mistake that the liberty granted to be free from religious constraints was acknowledgement of the principle of free will from Christian doctrine.
They based the nation on the rights of the individual.
It arose in the 15th century. If you read Christopher Columbus' journals you see that his primary mission was not to find a trade route, there was already the scientific assumption that if you sailed far enough west you would end up in the east. Flat earth was as lowly regarded back then as it is now because they had determined scientifically that the earth was as round as the moon. (Look at a crescent moon with binoculars and you get the idea)
You make a common mistake of using 21st century definitions for 18th century writing. Laws of Nature and Nature's God is talking about Biblical laws, Nature's God is the God of the Bible. That is very clear when you read the philosophers of that era. The founders were very clear, a man's rights were not granted by a king, they were given to each of us equally by the Creator God of the Bible and therefore could not be revoked by men.
Their fear was that government would establish a state approved religion, like Henry the 8th did when he wanted to divorce his 85th wife or some such scenario and he started "The Church of England," subsequently enforced attendance so to speak to disempower the Catholic Church and Pope.
And if not founded on Christian principles, the multitude of times they offered prayer to work through the creation of out government can not be dismissed as having no affect on the process. Don't dump one side of the Federalist debate on the table and think you've proven your point, the other side was equally compelling and influential.
You are dismissing a tremendous amount of our national history and the greater part of the founding. The founders were quite well educated and tried to use every failing in history to chart a better course forward. Answer this, if not Christian, why were our first universities founded for the express purpose of educating clergy?
The division between science and church is an invention of Marxism. Issac Newton wrote more about Christianity than he expressed his scientific brilliance by a factor of about 10 if memory serves. He was not alone and that ethic followed the masses coming to the New World.
I think you didn't have a chance to read the Tripoli answer I left earlier.
The United States in every sense was founded on the Christian religion.
7 ups, 4y
BTW, what are your thoughts on Marx?
5 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Just what exactly is it about our Constitution, that you feel is incapable of providing a solid framework for America?

Either you believe in the Constitution, or you believe in your radical Christian ideology statehood.
8 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Uh what about the foundational principles of Constitution do you not recognize as Biblical? If you've never read the Bible, or the Constitution or a comprehensive history of what guided the founders decisions, you would not recognize those influences. Our three branches of government is right out of Christian church governance.
You misread the Treaty of Tripoli and misunderstand what it is saying. The Constitution allows for freedom of religion, and that statement was to clarify that we were not engaged in a religious war as Christians with the Islamic pirates who were decimating our trade. Read carefully ,"that no pretext arising from religious opinions," is your missing clue. Lifting things out of context is dangerous business in debates.
Read the Declaration, remember the "endowed by their Creator" part? Christianity was behind Christopher Columbus, John Adams, Samuel Adams, George Washington, George Mason and so many others. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about America being good because she was moral (Christian). You can deny it all day, but that doesn't erase the truth.
I apologize, I am a history nut, I have read more about this than some college professors. In the spirit of Rush Limbaugh I pledge to only discuss this with you while I have half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
In your eyes, seeing something, "biblical" in the Constitution does not warrant the blanket statement that America is a Christian nation no matter how much you wish to get that framework out there. That statement is BS! We were not, have never been and are not now, a Christian nation.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Don't worry Spat. Secular Democrats of America has sent a 28 page list of demands to deprive Christians of their first and second amendment rights, re-educate them, remove them from public office and positions and call them "White Supremacists", even if it's a black church. All the threats to life from Christians will be over forever and ever Amen! Then you are free to enjoy hell on earth because none of your rights are sage, forever and ever Aw Shit!
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
That sounds as ridiculous as a gun rights nut job worrying about Biden taking all guns away. You guys and your radical beliefs are so sad.

Trump, is no Christian.
Biden, is a Christian.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I can hardly wait for the restoration of scientific integrity. Get rid of the pesky biology that says there are two sexes and unleash the cornucopia of billions of genders! Assert the science that if a little girl has a dick sewn on her female chromosomes vaporize from her entire body. Now that is science at it's finest!
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Who gives a f**k what anyone else believes is their gender?

How, in what way, does that harm you?
It leads me to believe that it frightens you and your internal feelings of who you are, in some way. Nobody cares.

You do know that much of life on earth demonstrates sequential hermaphroditism, right? Male clown fish turn into female clown fish, every day. Then they have babies.
0 ups, 4y
So you support surgical mutilation? Are you related to Mengele? Reassignment surgeries can cost over $300,000 and these people want taxpayers to foot the bill. How about if you want want new decorations, you pay for it, not everyone else? Let's see, I grew up in a petri dish called a farm, in the thousands upon thousands of pigs and calves I witnessed being born, not one hermaphrodite, even though we were educated about how to recognize them. Check your probability, you make a huge exception for a small chance. Tranny's aren't hermaphrodites you insensitive hater. People are not fish, duh.
When you here about a man having a baby it's a woman with attachments who kept her original plumbing. Words have meanings unless you have a deceptive agenda.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Whatever google them Oh hell here's the link

You won't be able to understand it but give it your best ignorant shot.
2 ups, 4y
How about instead of going to, "", (which is nothing more than a PAC) you go to, ""
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Here's one of my favorites
The rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat. We recommend
you: encourage the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice to
dedicate resources to deradicalization programs aimed at hate groups, including, but
not limited to, white nationalists; increase monitoring of such groups, including the
online environment, and take action to address increased hate crimes toward
minority faith communities; and shift rhetoric to label violent white nationalist
extremists as terrorists.
If I say, follow the rules of the Bible in my church I will be guilty of hate crimes against anyone who murders, steals, screws his neighbor's wife, or other hate filled stuff. That will make the world safe for every pedophile, something that is way way way overdue.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Like I said, you're picking and choosing from where you see fit.

Would you like me to pull shit from some white supremacist site supporting Trump? It's essentially the same thing.

Stop melting snowflake. It's unbecoming.
0 ups, 4y
Picking ad choosing? I posted a link to the secdems because that was the topic of discussion. I've read the Democrat Manifesto (platform) I've read Joe Biden's claptrap- this is what I was talking about. This "PAC" is made up of congressmen and elected officials who will introduce the doctrine legislatively.
Put all the supremacist shit up you want, Trump and the base of the Republican party have not one molecule of involvement in that. Surprise!
I'm not melting. I have a lot of Spanish speaking friends who have been down this path over the last 60 years. Unlike you, I recognize specific patterns (of which you fit nicely just as millions of your predecessors did). If I'm just another idiot, why do you even waste your superior lefty supremacist time on me? Go freely into your rewritten history and into your prewritten future.
0 ups, 4y
Rep. Jared Huffman (Co-Chair and Founding Member)

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Co-Chair and Founding Member)

Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich. (Founding Member)

Rep. Jerry McNerney, (Founding Member)

Rep. Don Beyer Jr., D-Va.

Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill.

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-TN

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.

Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.

Eleanor Holmes Norton, non-voting delegate from D.C.

Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wisc.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.

Rep. Susan Wild, D-Pa.
8 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Beg your pardon, you have something better than do not kill innocent life, do not steal, do not lie, do not desire something belonging to someone else so much that you are willing to deprive them of it (that's what covet means), feed and clothe the poor, the widow, the orphan and stranger among you, forgive each other, don't follow evil desires, be at peace, be thankful, don't be greedy, think more highly of others than yourself, be humble, use honest weights, put aside anger, malice, slander and don't let abusive speech out of your mouth?
Like I said, drop hypocrites out of the equation for a minute. There have been brief periods in history when Biblical values were the rule and there was law, order and peace. Where has anything good come out of the other most prevalent doctrines? I know you expressed your opinion about Marx too.
I figured you would be the first response. How are you? Going home for the holidays or stuck in a truck? Hope you are doing well.
1 up, 4y
A Christian society would be as good as it gets on Earth, though Christians aren't perfect people. So you would still have some amount of crime and conflict.

Christianity is the only religion that doesn't focus on works or doing anything yourself (as it's by faith not works), so it's easier to fake being a part of it. (Of course doing good works is still a good thing to do.)
Such a society of 100% Christians couldn't happen because there would be people who say they're Christians but really aren't. (This has happened through history; a lot of the Crusades had this problem.)
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  • Holy Bible
  • das kapital.jpeg
    There is a lie going around that Christianity had nothing to do with the founding of the United States despite the thousands of documents from the founders that state otherwise. The claim is we are not a Christian nation. Put aside hypocritical "christians" for a minute. In a nutshell this book basically says do no harm to others, we are each accountable to higher authorities, be good to each other, forgive each other, and specifically for judges- don't pervert justice by accepting bribes. This guy was educated, had traveled, leached off his family, his in-laws and his friends, never had a job, let his family live in squalor, allowed his children and wife to die of neglect and suicide and wrote about the necessity of destroying EVERYTHING. There are people demanding the USA follow his 153 year old failed ideas, written before true liberty was even 100 years old. They want to throw off fundamentals that have maintained law, order and peace for 6,000 years because the rules that work are too old. Everywhere the old rules are the foundation there is general peace, safety and prosperity. Everywhere the new, improved rules are applied there has been mass murder, starvation and deep poverty in societies destroyed by leaches. Just like the life of the guy who wrote the new, improved rules. ARE YOU STILL CONFLICTED ABOUT WHICH SYSTEM IS BETTER?