When you raise taxes, not only does the middle class have to pay more, but now EVERYONE has to pay more in stores because they’ll raise prices to make sure everyone’s paid the same. So the middle class just has to pay more everywhere now.
Don’t you hear about how successful people are hard working? Businessmen, entertainers, etc. Capital gains only happen sometimes.
So big government is American? That’s literally what we were founded not to do.
And 90% taxation is insane. That means you have to be a certain level of rich to even live outside of middle class life. I’m talking about people that are trying to build success from poverty. You will always hear former poor people that got rich say, “I worked hard,” or “I toughed through those times, and here I am successful and rich.” You never hear “I got a government handout, used it, and got successful.” That just trains the poor to be lazy. This is coming from a poor person. I want to be successful, and I don’t need the government’s help. Matter of fact, everything being more expensive won’t help.