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How did Lloyd win?

2,530 views 125 upvotes Made by 30000_victories 4 years ago in politics
9 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I don’t like everything about Trump’s character, but i do respect that he doesn’t care what others think. And I like what he does in office. I don’t like Biden because he’s too much like Obama.
8 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Same here. Let’s face it, Trump is a jerk. But he’s done more good for our country in his 1st three years than any Dem has done in eight years. The feel good liberals vote for a smooth talker that makes them feel good , while leading them down the road to government dependence .
0 ups, 4y
Well trump has denied covid, failed to call out QAnnon, said he's done more than black than Abe Lincoln which I know is false because I was living a good life before covid. And Lincoln made black lives better, like they mattered. Yet trump wanted to throw tear gas at protesters just using their first amendment right and take some pictures while holding a bible the wrong way, then lied about him going to the church regularly which the pastor said he's never seen trump in is live. So what the f**k are you on my guy? Noticed how barely any us citizen died from Ebola heat a quarter of 1 million, not thousand, million, have died from Covid 19. Are you okay? Because fox "called out" Obama for meeting opera through a green screen while they weren't there and they were just having a good time trying to make people smile.
If you didn't read all of that I don't give a flying f**k.
3 ups, 4y,
2 replies
Liar | I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHETHER CULT45 ARE DELUSIONAL OR JUST A BUNCH OF LIARS | image tagged in liar | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
250,000 people are dead. And you all are calling Hillary Killary over 6 people dying in Benghazi. Trump isn't Wonka. His father gave him hundreds of millions of dollars and he filed BK 6 times. He's had failing business after failing business to the point where he was the joke of NY. You like him because he's an asshole, great. Good for you. But are American kids supposed to look up to someone like him? Someone who cheats at everything, doesn't like to read his daily briefings, doesn't care enough to study up on his job, thinks it's okay to stand up at press conferences and spitball and talk out of his ass? He hasn't done shit for this country. He doesn't even know what he's doing or saying half the time. Trump is joke and the whole world sees him that way, too.
6 ups, 4y,
2 replies
All I had to read was the 1st sentence to know you have nothing to offer.
You’re trying to blame the results of a work-wide pandemic on Trump while excusing the blatant incompetence and later coverup of Hillary Clinton.

Sure, Trump could have tried to do more to prevent the virus from spreading in the US. But if he did, you’d be complaining about his tyrannical treatment of the public. You’d also be complaining about an even worse economy, higher unemployment, more rioting and protesting. But, hey, the Covid death toll might have been smaller . . . Maybe.

Many of the people included in the 250,000 statistic would have died anyway. That count includes anyone who dies and tested positive for COVID-19 at the time of death or post mortem, regardless if the virus was the actual cause of death or not.

So spare us your bogus rant about how Trump killed all those people.
0 ups, 4y
Well you're right he could've done more to stop he spread be he F**KINGN DENIED THE VIRUS WAS REAL. Did you ever see Obama say Ebola isn't real? No. He denied it and now a quarter of a million have died. Still he refuses to wear a mask and be a good role model but on the other hand, the president elect wears his mask because real or not, nobody want to take a stupid ass risk like that.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"All I had to read was the 1st sentence to know you have nothing to offer."

The feeling is completely mutual, pal, which is why the rest of your comment went the way of the teacher from Charlie Brown "wa wa wa waa waaa wa wa waaa."
3 ups, 4y
Which is why you’re so uninformed. You probably only read news headlines and maybe the initial teaser . . . The part that doesn’t contain info from the other side.

Have fun wallowing in your ignorant bliss.
0 ups, 4y
8 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I’d rather have Wonka (Trump) for the sole reason that the press scrutinizes everything he says and does (to a fault). Where as the press minimizes or out right covers up anything Biden does that might make Democrats look bad. At least with Trump, if he ever would have really done something bad, we’d know about it. Not so much with a Democrat president.
6 ups, 4y,
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5 ups, 4y,
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And what “real media” and “real journalists” are you talking about?
5 ups, 4y,
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8 ups, 4y,
5 replies
So, in other words, any source that doesn’t make you feel good about person you voted for is crap. The MSM has you well trained. They got you to willingly vote to have your taxes increased, your rights taken away, your security compromised - and in return you suck on the teat of government welfare and baseless promises.
6 ups, 4y
Boom. Annnd you win.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
No, I still think his point is that OAN, Newsmax, Info Wars etc, make YOU feel good and that you don't like "any source that doesn’t make you feel good about person you voted for," like most news does.

They got you to willingly give tax breaks to big corporations while leaving smaller businesses and farmers in the dirt, your rights taken away, your security compromised - and in return you are sucking the teat of government propaganda and baseless claims.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
So, in other words, you don’t have an original thought in your mind. Better go back to parroting the leftist media rather than trying to flip my argument.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Actually, I'm inverting your argument to reflect the hypocrisy of your statement. And, honestly, Trump had the opportunity to help farmers and miners since they were his primary target in 2016. They botched it by doing what either of the two parties always do once they're in power. They made it somebody else's problem. At least, until it directly became Trump's problem with his dumb trade war with China. Forcing him to bail out farmers for his own stupidity.

Had a Democrat done that while in office, Republicans would have refused to bail out the farmers (and rightfully called it socialism, for once.) And made the situation even worse. Fortunately, it was a Republican president with a Senate on his side, and a bleeding heart liberal House to boot. Not that a Democratic president would've started a trade war with China. No, he'd likely have brokered a deal, negating the whole need for one, and Republicans would've said America got the short end of the stick.

And, I'll even throw you a softball on the whole news media thing. Would you call OAN, Newsmax, and Info Wars as credible news sources? And would you say they were more credible than CNN, Fox News, and the Associated Press? You could give a short answer, if you like. Or perhaps something a bit more in-depth, since you must have quite a unique perspective in that you don't just receive information from news media. Or you could just hurl more insults at me while I attempt to make conversation.
2 ups, 4y,
2 replies
You just keep parroting leftist talking points with no real facts. You claim a Democrat president would’ve brokered a deal . . . You mean like the “deals” we’ve need making for decades that lead the lopsided balance of trade in the first place? It’s easy to speculate what might have happened but that’s not reality. The fact is, Trump did things that career politician presidents didn’t have the guts to do. And cherry picking the hit on farmers as something to point fingers at just shows how desperate the left is to find fault while completely ignoring anything good that came out of the Trump administration.
So go ahead and hurl you hypocritical insults at the right any anyone who doesn’t share your hatred of Trump if it makes you feel better. But it won’t change reality, only in your own mind.
2 ups, 4y
The hit on farmers was just part of the damage Trump's trade war with China did to America.
U.S. agricultural exports to China was cut in half, according to the American Farm Bureau. Trump had to dole out subsidies to farmers who were hurt by the trade war. Who paid for the subsidies? Who do you think ended up paying for all the tariffs China smacked us with after Trump hit them?

The art of the deal is a joke. Trump is the worst negotiator on the planet.
1 up, 4y
I've only asked you questions which you just refused to answer in regards to the integrity of the press. I wouldn't dare assume your answers. That would be a hypocritical insult.

"You mean like the “deals” we’ve need making for decades that lead the lopsided balance of trade in the first place?"

Did you read the comment or are you just repeating me? I already said:

"and Republicans would've said America got the short end of the stick."

The fact is, Trump did exactly what career politicians do while having the same pizazz of being a fresh candidate. He sold swag, he made money, he got virtually nothing done except tear down a few government agencies by putting Yes Men and anti-government people in charge to boost private spending from public funds. Things that could easily be reversed by an oppositional President's follow-up. Especially if he only got one term, which he did.

There is no cherry picking here, apparently I forgot to add, probably because I say it all the time, that Democrats need to start appealing to rural voters. Almost the entire map was red, save for the urban cities. Likewise, Republicans also need to start appealing to urban cities if they don't want to count on the Electoral college bailing them out every election. And for the record, you are not the Republican party, so when I insult them, I am not insulting you.
2 ups, 4y
Nothing you've said is original. You're literally regurgitating all the same propaganda that spews out of Fox News and Breitbart.
1 up, 4y
Biden is only raising taxes for people who make over $400,000/year. I'm guessing that's not you.
What rights is Biden taking away? Not the right for women to make their own choices for their body.
By security you probably mean "the wall" which is a racist point because more illegals come in through airports and overstay their visas a la Melanie.
Last ridiculous point: the states with the highest number of people on all types of government assistance are (drumroll) Red States!
I'm not even going to go over all Trump's baseless promises because we all know what they are.
So like Trump you got nuthin.
3 ups, 4y
Funny how you think of Biden’s attempt for censorship as a step against a real threat. The biggest threat this country faces is ignorance. And here you are, applauding steps to ensure any opposing view is silenced. I guess that’s why you’re dumb enough to vote democrat in the first place.
3 ups, 4y
I willing give tax breaks to big corporations because they don't pay the taxes. Their end users and customers pay the tax. No point in taxing anything but income and sales.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Another example of how our media skews their reporting to keep people like you in ignorant bliss. For example, you talk about tax breaks to big corporations. Show us where these same tax breaks don’t apply to small businesses. The biased media says the corporations get the most money back. That because they pay the most money in the 1st place. But you ignorantly think it means smaller businesses don’t get a break or don’t get as big a break because the dollar amounts don’t add up to the same amount as the big corporations - that still pay more taxes and often at a higher rate than the small businesses do. But your “real” news sources don’t report it that way because it doesn’t stir up emotions like they want.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
"For example, you talk about tax breaks to big corporations. Show us where these same tax breaks don’t apply to small businesses." "That because they pay the most money in the 1st place."

Small businesses don't make as much as big business, meaning they actually need the tax breaks more. They do benefit from some of the breaks, but not as much as big businesses. That's precisely why trickle down economics doesn't work. Big businesses aren't going to try to help small businesses, and it doesn't promote competition. It just allows big businesses to continue swallowing up small businesses. Any economist will tell you this.

It's not just the news that will report this.. but the extinction of small businesses and the crash of our economy that comes every time we try to give more tax breaks to the larger corporations than small businesses.

Would it make you happier if I also said that the Democrat's economic plan also leaves small businesses in the dirt? The difference between the two is that while it is often Democrats who are accused of throwing money at any situation to solve a problem, in this situation, Republicans think that big corporations will always come to bail them out, when in the end, it's actually the taxpayers who are always the ones who pay when the economy collapses.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
All of the big corporations started out as small businesses at one point. You seem the think the only reason small businesses fail is because of taxes.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Yes, that appears to be your argument in regards to large corporations. If that is the case, then small businesses do need tax breaks, as Republicans nowadays are loathe to do so, unless there is some benefit to them. There is a reason why most of the larger corporations are not older than 40 years, around the time this insane economic ideas trickled into the Republican party. It is also not a coincidence that the reason why the larger corporations who are younger than 30 years are mostly online based. Yet, that gap of internet businesses innovation is already rapidly shrinking twenty years later. I have to wonder why.
1 up, 4y
So you’re not arguing that big corporations got a tax break and small businesses didn’t. You’re saying that, even though their tax rate dropped from 35 to 21percent, small businesses should pay an even lower rate.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Washington Post? Isn’t that supposed to be a right-wing propaganda outlet?
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Why are you acting like I only put one example up there. Please don't roleplay as Helen Keller. Thank you.
3 ups, 4y,
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Sorry but whenever I share content from the Washington Post, leftists seem to discount it as unreliable because it doesn’t follow their agenda.
0 ups, 4y
Also, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington post. He thinks black lives matter and dems support it, yet I have never seen trump or his family say it. Nor most republicans.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
Lol nyt is Biden all the way. Either you’ve been living under a rock or youve been taking meth
0 ups, 4y,
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Do you f**king read? There is more then the New York Times. Like stop picking one thing and call it out.
0 ups, 4y
dont even try, trumptards have no real information and just spit out based assertions
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The others are part of the biased news media that skews their reporting to put the left in a good light while burying the right’s side of the story on the 2nd or 3rd page. Yes, they are real new outlets with real journalists but they are hardly considered objective.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Ah so when they do a story one something it has to be about dems? Don't you think they'd be outta business? Because cnn for example doesn't praise Biden. Have you seen them say "F**k Trump go Biden"? No. But fox says Biden has health problems with his stutters even though trump stutters sometimes yet when have they talked about it?
0 ups, 4y
If you expect me to pay any attention to your rants, learn how to communicate without f-bombs and throwing a tantrum.
4 ups, 4y,
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4 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y,
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I don't think so.
0 ups, 4y,
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2 ups, 4y,
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So do you just go around attacking anyone with a different opinion?
0 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y,
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Discuss what?
0 ups, 4y,
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1 up, 4y
What do you want to discuss? By all means, lay it on me.
0 ups, 4y
So trump is a god? Because in Christianity believing in God isn't an opinion, you have to. But you HAVE to follow trump?
0 ups, 4y
But isn’t Trump the orange one? 🍊
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