That's exactly what I thought you raging weak hypocritical f**king pussy. You made a bullshit claim, , I asked for evidence, and you tuck your little dick in between your Joe Biden hairy ass legs legs and deflected like the little bitch you are. You made a claim Trump lost, you're proven what a raging hypocrite little bitch you are by refusing to provide a single piece of evidence. You made a bullshit claim making yourself look like the stupid raging hypocritical ass you are now.
It's right there, you hypocritical f**king pussy. I asked for proof, your little bitch ass didn't provide any evidence.
Oh look, You're using whataboutism like your weak ass always does when you make an ass of yourself. You're the one so f**king hideous you can't attract a man or a woman.
I'm happily married, you disgusting hideous weak little man, you're struggling to have a relationship with anyone who has a pulse, and you're failing... Miserably.
Go back to ignoring me you weak little coward. Plan another fake vacation with your non existent friends. That was absof**kinglutely hilarious, and showed what a loser you are.