This feels like we are expanding from my point, but I'll go along.
Yes, if they pressure their 'suppliers' not to work with competitors, that is one of the traits of a monopoly.
But if they were to be broken up they they would probably just break up the integrated services. Facebook Payments; Facebook Videos; Facebook Posts; etc. I don't think that is going to help with the fact checking.
You won't be able to compete with them at everything, but if you want to share information and pictures with no fact checks? You can do that. Are they going to have all of the features of the industry giants? No. They spend lots of money to develop or acquire those features.
I'm not minimizing the momentum that Facebook and google have. I tried to switch once and well, the best social media in the world only works if people are on it. But there is nothing forcing people to post to Facebook, search with Google, etc.
Banking...not sure how that relates.
I for one like the fact checking. I fact check things anyway, so having a link that tells me it has been checked and where they verified saves me a little time. Not a ton, because I still generally verify if it is something I care about. But for ridiculous claims, it is helpful.
Anyone willing to accept a fact check blindly isn't treating Facebook posts themselves with the skepticism they deserve and therefore need the protection. If you could show bias in the fact checking, then we could talk. And BTW, bias in fact checking means letting lies stand for one side and not the other. Or actually being inaccurate in checking. Just pointing out the number of times someone was fact checked and flagged may just mean they are a liar.
Aren't conservatives moving to @parler_app? What's funny is that app has been banning liberals. It seems they aren't really setting out to be a better a free speech platform. People moving are looking to not be contradicted.
It blows my mind. If my beliefs can't stand up to criticism or are based on falsehoods, I adjust my beliefs. I don't ignore the criticism or facts. Its one thing to say "well, I still don't believe it." Its another to call the information false.