Look man, if you want to spin wacky yarns of stupidity and amazement then you need to learn a few military phrase to make the stories more believable. Shut your mouth, stop typing, and read slowly and carefully as I try to school you a bit. No charge, it's on me.
The Marines (with a capital M ALWAYS please) are a branch of the military. They fall under the Navy for budget and Chain of Command (CoC) purposes. Also, it's nice because the Navy gives us rides to all the shit hole countries that we go to to rain death and destruction. All that being said, the Marines are their own separate entity.
Seal Team 6 (and all of the other Seal Teams) are comprised of Sailors. Sailors are in the Navy, not the Marine Corps. Yes, the Seals are legitimate bad asses that I would love to have on either flank or protecting my six, but they're not Marines. Each goes through their own unique training bordering on complete hell, but they're not the same.
Hope that helps.