Our level of military preparation and supply is much higher. Contributions to NATO from other countries has greatly increased, as have the contributions from our Pacific allies. We are developing and deploying new weapons systems that will give us a significant edge in conventional warfare. We largely got out of the ISIS territories in Iraq and eastern Syria, and have drawn down significantly in Afghanistan with a total withdrawl coming soon. Starting up the Space Force will simplify the logistics train for the Air Force, and better compartmentalize differing tasks.
Now the bad: having Iran shoot down a drone, and shoot missiles at us. Glad we took out Solemani, as that limited the casualties of the poor slobs down the ranks, while scaring Iranian leadership much more than the loss of a few lives would. Conflict with the Muslims in Africa has significantly picked up.
Feel bad for our allies in Kurdistan and Armenia, and I wish we would help them more. But, no soldier should be forced to fight there, it would have to be voluntary - just like US volunteers helped turn back the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1920. Providing better arms to Ukraine has also helped curb Russian expansion - but strategically China is the more deadly foe, so we need to align with Russia, or at least keep them neutral. The Dems seemed to be forcing a China-Russia alliance that would be very bad from a geopolitical strategic standpoint.