You guys are really a all earnestness: do you really believe in the BS you are posting?
Trump is an American criminal who had escaped conviction only through patronage since the 1980s (e.g. cheating payments to small businesses for alleged failures to fulfill the contracts or bankruptcies). Let's hope that Bidens first decree is arresting Trump so he will finally meet justice after evading it for over 30 years.
In terms of sexual improperties, he is not that far away from criminals like Weinstein. Or is it okay for you that he had a) dressed his underage kids like escorts and b) touched their butts and breasts in public as dozens of pics are proving? Oh, have I forgotten he sniffed them like many other women (and even his youngest son), too?
When a "leftist" does uphold law and order like Harris did in California, all of a sudden your ilk are becoming SJWs and accuse her of unlawfulness although there was absolutely nothing wrong.
Last but not least: the only person Trump cares for is Trump. If he would give a shit about the Average Joe, he wouldn't have stopped Obamacare as one of a hundred examples where this impostor had failed big time.
Your decision: get your head out of your ass, vote the lesser evil and strive for bringing back the USA again...or watch helplessly four very long years more Trump and his cronies walking all over you.
Your decision.