Quick! Who read the article? No one? Not surprised.
Because it's trash. Here's you're "Trump was right!" evidence.
Relevant Text; One unnamed FBI employee asked another "What's the word on how [Obama's] briefing went?"
"Don't know but people here are scrambling for info to support certain things and it's a mad house," the FBI colleague replied. "Trump was right. Still not put together... Why do we do this to ourselves. What is wrong with these people."
That's it. That's the smoking gun. One FBI agent texting another one.
Now, as I recall- if it's anonymous that means it's a lie, right? Isn't that how it works? If the person isn't willing to put their name and face out there, whatever the source said it's a lie. Right?
Isn't that what y'all say when it's an anonymous source with something on Trump?