Definitely. Lets stop a process where everyone gets perfect healthcare, has access to medications, has access to quality education, and is able to afford rent, automobile, clothing, food, and internet all from a 40hr to 50 hr per week job.
Yes, those are definitely bad things and should be stopped.
Instead we should be fighting for American Capitalism where Alice Walton can spend her $8 Billion "trickle down" "tax" refund check on stock buybacks the same week she laid off 20,000 Sam's Club employees.
Make sure we support United Airlines that got their $8 Billion freebie and spent it ALL on stock buybacks and then 3 years later threatened that if they didn't get BILLIONS in Covid bailout money, they would have "massive layoffs"
Yeah...definitely a much better system.
Did you know that if Jeff Bezos gave every Amazon employee $100,000, he would still be richer than he was before the pandemic started.
So how's that $1200 check doing for you?
PSSSST...just an FYI....that $1200 check was Socialism.
Thanks for posting.