Ok, old man. I'll get serious for a moment.
" How do we know its not a bio weapon?"
First...this meme is about election fraud...Can you not even stay on topic...for once? How do you know that China, the country that awarded the Bidens a 1.5 billion dollar contract to do essentially nothing but provide access, created a bio-weapon? The WHO...owned by China, said they didn't...so there. Your commie friends said it wasn't. The WHO said that the virus was no big deal and was contained. The WHO essentially parroted everything the Chinese were telling their own people, telling the whole world, all those who relied on it, that everything was ok, that there was no need to stop international travel. At the time you're blaming Trump for downplaying the virus, there was literally no one in the health industry or WHO saying anything different. In fact, the media and all the democrat leaders were on T.V, not only downplaying it, but actively encouraging people to get out and party in it. Pelosi, went to Chinatown, of all places, and encouraged everyone to come on out. Wonder how many died because of that? But you just don't care about that do ya? You don't care that the WHO perpetrated the biggest scam on the world and let a virus spread to every international border, at the behest of their owners...China. You don't care that the whole world is in a recession with thousands upon thousands dying, not from Covid, but from starvation, other diseases, going untreated because medical resources are taxed due to Covid. No, you just wanna cry Orangemanbad all day and let all that millions of deaths go unanswered, just so you can score political points on a f**king meme site. You have yet to provide any reliable medical source that was warning of how bad this pandemic was going to be. All you have is a worn out slogan from the Bush era, that was a lie even back then.
Dude...that's not even original. Are you just upset that imgflip wasn't around when you commies first attributed that to Bush...in an election year? You're arguments are just so damned disingenuous, that no one can take you seriously. You can't possibly give two shits about half the stuff you whine about and still be a Democrat, because you don't care when that party does the same or worse. The hypocrisy is just blatant and acute. You're just a sad old brainwashed boomer that has nothing left to offer society but snarkiness.