OP is referring to the total population of America, NOT the sub-population of those purportedly infected with COVID (which BTW is also an unknown number due to tests producing FALSE POSITIVES across the board). So take 6% of all deaths reported, and divide that by the POPULATION OF AMERICA and see what number you come up with, and how many Americans will die.
PS: There are many Americans that are testing positive FOR HAVING HAD COVID. As in, they don't have it now, but they HAD IT BEFORE and didn't even know it. So the actual number of people that had COVID and recovered(and the symptoms were so mild they didn't even know) is also probably in the millions, just like during the Obama years when H1N1 got to 60M+ cases and we didn't shut down the country.
Ultimately less than 10,000 Americans in a population of 313M have died specifically due to COVID. Of those 10,000, the average age is over 80. Of all of the other 150K+ deaths, there are severe diseases like heart disease, cancer, etc, often layered on top of one another of people that were literally on their death beds already. SCAMDEMIC.
If 10,000 people in a population of 313M die, with an average age of 80+, then yeah, it means if you are an average American you have a 99.9971% of getting through this "pandemic" with your life.
If you are 85 years old, have stage for cancer and emphysema, and heart disease, and are in a hospital in NYC, then yeah, your chances of getting COVID and dying are higher. The kicker is, EVEN IF YOU GET COVID in this scenario, it doesn't mean it was the COVID that actually killed you. So the whole thing is BS and people like you help to hide the truth.