What really pisses me off is how the media has bought into this corrupt narrative, and then tries to force feed it down our throats, when in actuality it's the woke progressives who are the true racists.
In the case of this meme, as happens with most of my other politics memes, the mods wait 4 to 6 hours after I submit the meme before they post it in the politics stream. I'm on the left coast, so by the time the mods post it, it's so late by then that fewer see it, and then it's buried in the next day's memes. I don't care about upvotes or points, but dayum, only 126 views for thismeme? Sure, it may not be one of my better efforts, but it's better than 126 views... grumble grumble. 😜
Naturally, as I complain about that, the meme I created a few minutes ago is already featured under "New" in the politics stream. While I'm grateful for that, the general negative treatment from the mods for what I post cannot be denied.
In a blatant attempt to prove I'm lying about not caring about upvotes, here's the link to the meme I just created, showing what an effing hypocrite a typical woke progressive, Bette Middler, truly is.